“It’s fully electric. And you have a charging point here in the garage.” His hands slide around my waist, pulling me into his warmth. “No more running out of fuel or overthinking trips to the petrol station.”

I see the heavy-looking cable attached to the place the fuel would normally go.

My head tilts, looking up at him. I smile so wide it hurts. “No more getting fuel?”

He shakes his head no at me, his face a mask of something I can’t place. It makes my throat grow tight. “Go have a look,” he tells me.

I bound from his arms and rush to the driver’s side, pulling open the sleek door. “I love the black!” I get a look at the leather interior. “Lance.”

He gives me a huge smile.

“I love it.” I climb inside and grab the wheel, inhaling that new car smell. “Can we take it out for a spin?”

“It’s your car, Baby Lowell. You can do what you want.”

“Get in!”

Lance removes the charging cable and climbs in. Excitement bubbles up inside of me as I bounce in the seat. “I’ve never had a brand-new car. I always went for used because you lose so much money just driving anything new off the forecourt.”

He chuckles. “Your dad told you that, didn’t he?”

I nod my head, my eyes glued to him as it all sinks in. What he’s done. Why he did it. “Thank you, Lance. I don’t know why you’d do this for me, but thank you.” I lean across the centre console and kiss him long and hard.


I linger as she pulls back, holding out the keys to her. “I did it because I love you.”

The sun slowly dips on the meadow’s hilltop, creating a glare that streams in through the garage doors. Just like I knew it would.


I pause on the threshold of the kitchen, walking back a couple of steps until I’m outside the sitting room. Anthony is sat up in his armchair, his face unnaturally pale.

“Anthony, are you okay?”

“Yes, I have something here, could you…”

I walk into the room and take the envelope he holds out to me. My eyes scan the words on the front. The last will and testament of Anthony Lowell. I swallow the tightness in my throat as I stare down at the envelope.

“Are you able to pass it along to Charlie? I trust he’ll make sure it ends up in the right hands.”

I clear my throat. “Yes. Of course.”

He nods, and I turn, not knowing what to say, what to do, how I go back upstairs and climb into the bed with Scarlet after holding this in my hands.

“Lance.” I turn again, frowning. He watches me for a moment. And for what—I have no idea. I’ve spent weeks in his home, with Scar, with him. He nods as if he’s made up his mind. “You’ll do just fine for my daughter. If ever you need my blessing, know that you have it.”

My heart sinks in my chest. “I—I—Umm.” What the… “Thank you. I… I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, but let me say thank you. You pulled her out of this place with ease. I didn’t think I’d see the day, but I knew it would eventually come. I’m glad I got to see it. So, thank you.”

“Jesus shit. The sun,” Scarlet snaps, holding up her hand to shield her eyes.

I smile and drag my bottom lip into my mouth, biting down.

We roll forward a couple of inches, approaching the edge of the gravel when she reaches for her sun visor. As she snaps it into place, the box drops into her lap.

The car rocks to a halt as she brakes.