I do nothing to hide my smile and give her an easy wink.

I don’t need to tell her how incredible everything is, or that she looks fucking breathtaking—she does—or that my heart is currently going wild beneath my tux. She knows. Knows exactly what she does to me. And if she somehow doesn’t, I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure it’s written in the fucking stars.

She turns to Mason, and I pick up my drink, allowing them the privacy of the intimate moment.

This ball matters too much to Scarlet.

I’ll bide my time and be ready when the night comes, chasing away her shadows.

Scarlet held a charity auction tonight.

She told me she was going to auction off a date and that if I didn’t bid on her, she’d be wounded. I told her she’d be doing no such thing, wrote her a cheque for a hundred grand, and told her to find someone else to do it.

That didn’t go down all that well with Mason and Elliot.

Not when Lucy and Nina ended up as the dates.

Lucy’s date went to Elliot, forcing him to show a hand I’m not sure he was ready to reveal, especially with Lucy’s boyfriend in attendance tonight.

And Nina’s date… That went—to my absolute dismay—to Cooper Hemmings.

The prick needs to die already.

Mason sat back during the entire spectacle, eyes trained on Nina and nothing else. When I started bidding, sensing the awkward quiet mist over the room from Cooper’s idiocy, Mason lifted a hand and stopped me.

He let Cooper have the date.

And then he crossed the floor, lifted Nina into his arms and left the party.

The message was clear. Nina belonged to Mason. And to bid on her would only make her feel bought.

“Would either of you two gentlemen care to dance with me?” A flash of lavender catches my eye before she rounds on us, coming at us from behind.

I’ve barely had five minutes with her all night, and the sight of her makes my heart somersault in my chest.

Her flowing, long hair is down tonight, the relaxed wave soft against her flawless skin. She’s wearing a gown that matches the colour of her hair, expensive silk that moulds to the very parts of her my hands, lips, and body had been devoted to last night.

“You don’t hesitate, jackass,” Charlie mutters, shaking his head as he holds out a hand to her. “I’d be honoured, Miss Lowell.”

“Just the gentleman I was looking for, Mr Aldridge.”

I set a steely gaze over them as they step onto the dance floor. Charlie bows, and I laugh to myself, annoyed I let my mind get caught up on thoughts of her when I could have the real thing.

They move effortlessly together, and I have to give credit to Freya for teaching Scarlet. She’s never been to the functions she should have as a Lowell. Hasn’t ever been a part of the company in the way she likely deserved to be. And yet Freya had made sure she knew, if needed, how to dance. How to smile that smile. Looking at her now, you wouldn’t know she was on her hands and knees gutting the weeds around the house in the rain just yesterday. Or that she stayed up for the whole of Tuesday night to finish her assignment and then helped a classmate with hers, too, not crawling into bed until late the following afternoon.

She’s incredible.




I wonder if everyone sees it, but as I gaze around the room, I don’t see anyone as fascinated by her as I am.

I stride for them, my intentions clear as I step up to her side. Charlie smiles, easing back. “You lasted longer than I gave you credit.”

Scarlet laughs.