But it doesn’t feel like a choice.

Not when Mason has no desire to be here.

Maybe Scarlet needs me as much as I need her.

I’m gentle as I lift her, letting my lips meet her forehead as she settles in my hold. Her eyes blink open as I walk us into the bathroom.

“I fell asleep,” she moans, her eyes heavy.

“It’s fine.” I lower her to her feet and push her faded lavender hair off her shoulders. “Let me.”

It’s not a question but a plea, and she indulges me, nodding. My fingers go to the hem of her tunic, lifting it from over her head. I slide off her trousers. She’s wearing a plain black sports bra, and I peel it off, dropping it on top of the rest of the clothes before slipping her legs out of her underwear.

I pull off my jumper and lower my jeans, quickly kicking off my socks.

Her eyes remain heavy, but I don’t miss how they rake me. It’s not until we’re in the shower and I’ve washed every inch of her that I allow my own eyes to roam her.

She’s slimmer than she was. No less beautiful and not unhealthy, but she’s lost the fullness she had at her hips, her face even.

Her breasts are still as full and perfect as ever. My hands seem to linger on them as I move the soap suds over her skin—I’m still a man.

Her body has gone lax in my arms, soft moans falling from her lips as I rub over them and then deep into the rest of her tight muscles.

“Sleep or food?” I whisper into her ear, appreciating how good she feels in my arms.

Her neck twists, deliberately bringing her lips to my jaw. “You.” It’s barely a whisper.

“That wasn’t on the menu,” I groan.

She links her hands over the top of mine and places them back on her abdomen, moving them up her body. “Don’t stop.”


“Please.” She moans, grinding her ass into my growing cock. I’ve done all I can to keep it at bay while I wash her, the task near painful. “I’ve spent too many nights pretending it’s you. Even when all I’ve needed is sleep and food. I’ve climbed into bed and thought of you. I needyounow, nothing else.”

A sound vibrates from my chest, my cock twitching at those words.

She doesn’t stop rolling her hips, and when her legs widens on the shower floor, my cock naturally slides between her legs, grazing her pussy.


My jaw clenches, hands flattening on the wall above us. It’s been too long. “What?”

“You should’ve kicked my foot out yourself, and you should be inside of me already, telling me how greedy I am when I take every inch I know you’ll give me. If you don’t want to do this, it’s okay. Just leave. But—”

I snigger and drop my head to lie between her shoulder blades. I’ve woken in cold sweats after dreaming about this woman. Twisted, fucked-up dreams where she finds out everything I am and hates me. Dreams where I fuck her so hard, I wake up in a fucking mess. Dreams where I tell her I love her, and she tells me she loves me back.

I lift her, and she gasps, my cock sliding home the second I have her turned and facing me. Her legs hang over my thighs, fingers entwined with mine above her head as I force her up the wall with a thrust so deep my breath catches.

“Lance,” she mutters, barely forming the words.


My lips dip for hers, taking her mouth in a desperate kiss. Her mouth slants over mine, eventually opening for me. I take her hands into one and lower the other to her ass, hauling her up and sinking deeper.

It’s everything. This feeling.

“You… you. Are. Everything.”