Six stitches.The cut wasn’t overly deep but because of where it was on my chin, it wouldn’t stop bleeding. Vinny picked me up and took me to the hospital. I apologised for giving him the cold shoulder this past week and I hoped he would’ve told me more about Mason and the situation at The Earl Marks, but he didn’t. I respect him for staying loyal to his boss, but it’s hard to believe nothing happened when nobody will tell me what’s going on.
Mason didn’t stop calling while we were in the hospital, and I still haven’t called him back. Feeling guilty and more in control than I was in the gym earlier, I pick up my phone and dial his number. I don’t owe him an explanation, but I know I’d want to know if the shoe was on the other foot.
It rings out the first time, so I try him again.
“What?” he snaps on the second ring.
Great, he’s in a mood… I try to squash down my inner bitch. I need to keep it civil.
“Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t call before now. I thought I’d let you know that I’m home and everything is okay.”
“I know, Vinny called.”
“Oh, okay.” I pause, waiting for him to speak. “Is your leg okay?”
He huffs out a laugh and I cringe. He’s so pissed off. “No, no, it isn’t actually.”
“I’m sorry, Mase, it was an accident. I shouldn’t have been so careless.” I really did let my emotions get the better of me.
“What were you thinking? You could have hurt yourself far worse than a scraped chin.”
The way he belittles me makes me roll my eyes. How do you tell someone they make you want to throw punches without sounding like a bitch?
Keep it civil, Nina.
“Surely you knew I’d be annoyed when you ambushed me at work? It was my first day, Mason.”
“Ambushed you? I was the one who was ambushed!”
I roll my eyes again. “Don’t be so dramatic.”
“You haven’t seen my leg.”
My phone chimes, so I switch it to speaker to look. “What the hell is that?” I stare at the screen.
“My damn leg!”
I screw up my face, trying to work out what way the phone goes.
“Oh, wow.” Ouch, that does look nasty. His entire thigh is a reddish purple, the bruise still coming out.
“Yes, wow. I’ll see you when I pick Ellis up on Wednesday.”
“Mason.” He hangs up.
I look at the picture, his gym shorts are pulled up to his groin and it looks so damn painful. Guilt eats at me.
Nina: I’m sorry Mase. Really really sorry. It was an accident.
I sit and wait until three little dots bounce across the screen.
Mason: Just forget about it.
Nina: Do you have ice?
Nina: You should ice it.