Page 71 of Grand Love

“No, I’ll run back tonight. Thank you for this morning, and make sure you get your meds, yeah?”

He tuts, waiting for me to climb from his car before driving off. I lick my lips, hoping Mason is out of his car and gone already, but not daring to look over my shoulder to check. I take one step in the direction of the gym doors and a horn blares.

I close my eyes and count to five, then take another step.

It sounds again, this time over and over in short succession, as if the executor is a total prick. Reluctantly, I spin, and what would you know? He sits looking out the windscreen at me, his arm resting on his door and his pointer running over his lips.


He crooks his finger, summoning me.

I walk to the passenger side window and wait for him to undo it. “Get in,” he mouths.

“What? No.”

“Get in now.” I can’t hear him fully, but his lips move with warning.

“Open the window, Mason!” People stare as I stand yelling at him through the glass.

He sits, waiting.

Fuming mad, I wrench open the door, dropping into the seat and then slamming it shut as hard as I can. The windows shake with the force.

“Trying to mess up my car again?” He glares.

Trust him to throw that in my face. My gaze flicks over him quickly, his woodsy scent making me heady and stupid for him. “What do you want?”

“Why are you here?” he asks, his eyes raking down my body.

“Seriously? That’s all you wanted.”

“You’re going to the gym?” He tips his chin in question. “Where’s Ellis?”

The nerve of this asshole. “I’m going to work. Which I planned to tell you about yesterday but you sent Elliot to drop off instead of coming yourself. Ellis is with Maggie today.”

“You’re working at L&M now?”


“Right.” He looks to the building, deep in thought. “Why’s dickhead driving you? The guys unhinged.”

Sadness floors me. I drop my head, feeling disgusted by his words. He knows how it is with Joey. “You really are a nasty piece of work when you want to be.”

I go to open the door, but he stops me with a hand to my inner thigh. “Stop.”

My eyes drop to his hand. I swallow, suddenly more aware of him than I was moments before. “I said to stop doing that.”

He doesn’t move.

“Mase.” I brush his hand off.

“Vinny drives you,” he snaps, his voice final.

“Vinny works for you. I can’t trust you and I can’t trust Vinny.”

He screws his face up in disagreement. “That’s the most ridiculous thing that’s ever come out of your mouth, and you know it.”

“Hmmm, I don’t know, Mase. I had you in my mouth once.” I shrug, pouting as I climb from the car. “You have a good day.” I smile sweetly as I walk off towards the gym, swinging my hips for good measure.