Page 65 of Grand Love

I hide my grin in my glass, shrugging as she falls into the seat with me.

“What’s got you over here deep throating a straw? Do we need to find you a penis?” She giggles.

The vodka burns my throat and I choke, turning to look at her with wide eyes. “No! I was just messing.”

“Nina,” Mason interrupts, and my back goes straight, my face heating as if I just got caught doing something I shouldn’t. “A word.” He steps away from us, seemingly expecting me to follow.

“Do not suck that man’s penis,” she warns.

“Megan!” I laugh.

“You’ll only regret it.”

I wouldn’t. But that might be the drink talking.

“Nina.” She grasps my arm. “Don’t leave with him tonight, okay? Not when you’re this drunk.”

“I’m not stupid, Megs, I wouldn’t leave with him.”

She nods despite her frown and then lets me go.

Mason’s standing by the entrance, talking to a bouncer when I catch up with him. I step up beside him and wait while he finishes, stealing the moment to watch him whilst he’s distracted. The way his jaw works as he listens to what the bouncer is saying, and the stance he takes—there’s no doubt who’s in charge here. His shoulders are square and full, his shirt stretching over his chest seamlessly. My gaze drops to his hands. They are so big, his fingers long, and veins that pulsate beneath his tanned skin. What is it about big hands?

“Mase,” I interrupt impatiently.

“Sorry, mate,” he cuts off the bouncer, turning to look down at me. His face transforms into a frown instantly. “Don’t give me that fucking look,” he spits at me.

“What look?” I blink.

“You know what look.” Grabbing my hand, he pulls me from the club and towards the waiting taxis. “We’re leaving.”


* * *

“I didn’t wantto leave though, Mason! You pulled me out of there because I gave you…” I hold my hands up, air quoting, “a look.”

“You did, you wanted me to fuck you.” He follows me into my apartment, and I don’t stop him. I’m too mad at him to even acknowledge what a bad idea it is.

“Can you even hear yourself right now?! What planet are you on?”

I take off down the corridor to my room. “Damn asshole. There was no look,” I mutter to myself, pulling off my heel and tossing it off to the side.

“You know what I’m talking about. You can plead ignorance, but I know that look.”

His phone starts to ring, and I turn my back, wobbling in my drunken state as I try to remove my other shoe. “I took her home,” he says into the phone.

“Against my will!” I add before muttering, “Asshole.”

“She’s fine. I’ll send Vinny now.”

“Send him here first.” I spin, my heel still on and not coming off with ease. “Why are you even here?”

“Talk to you later, Aldridge.” He hangs up the phone and watches me. Shaking his head.

“Well?” I ask.

“I—” His phone starts to ring again. “Mega—” He rolls his eyes and I smile, knowing she will give him fuck. “Yes. She is fine.”