“I don’t want to dip into Ellis’s money, so a job is priority.”
“Of course, but the money is there to support him, and you need to support yourself to do that.”
I know Lucy is right and I will use the money to keep us afloat, but it still kills me a little inside knowing it comes from Mason’s pocket.
“Logan’s mentioned the gym to you on more than one occasion, maybe it’s time you looked into that.”
“It’s located five hundred yards from The Montwell, Luce.” I give her a pointed look.
“It’s also a job. And a good one at that—it’s your thing.” She holds her hands out, as if it’s simple.
“I don’t know.” I shrug, not knowing what I should do.
“Worth a look, at least?”
I nod. “I’ll call him.”
“Everything happens for a reason. And you couldn’t suck at a job any more than you did at the hotel.” She snorts, pulling me into the kitchen.
“True.” I laugh. “I really did suck at it.”
“Who’s sucking what?” Elliot asks from the kitchen island.
Lucy rolls her eyes and pulls me into a hug. “The butt slut is making a comeback, watch this space, assholes.”
“Butt slut? Should I warn Mase?” Elliot grins.
“Absolutely not,” Lucy tells him. “She needs to find herself again, then maybe she’ll work on all that other stuff.”
“Mase seems busy enough at the moment anyway,” I add.
Elliot pauses with his drink midway to his mouth. “You don’t honestly believe Mason would sleep with that woman, do you?”
I shrug. Feeling like a broken record for bringing it up again.
“He wouldn’t, Nina. I believe him,” Scarlet voices from her spot at the other side of the kitchen.
“You bet your ass he wouldn’t!” Elliot snaps. “Jesus, I don’t think he’s slept with anyone since you pulled him out of his apartment the night before Ellis was born.”
My head snaps to Scarlet who is burning holes through Elliot’s head with her eyes.
“What?!” I repeat again.
* * *
“She thoughtI was sleeping with Jasmine?” I question, falling back onto my bed with my hand clenched tight on my phone.
“Yeah, I told her you haven’t though, and Luce had a chat with her, told her that she needs to find herself again. Whatever that shit means.”
“Find herself?”
“And then Nina still didn’t believe that you wouldn’t sleep with Jasmine, and I thought I was helping.”