Page 45 of Grand Love


“Let me get that for you,”Vinny tells me as he jumps from the driver’s side of the car and meets me at the boot. “You take the bags and I’ll get Ellis.”

“Thanks.” I start up the steps with our bags, turning to call over my shoulder. “His bear is next to the car seat.”

“Got it.” He holds it up, smiling.

I push open the large door, noting that the entire house is lit up like Christmas. “Scar?” I call out.

“Nina?” Scarlet’s head pops around the kitchen door, her hair piled on her head and her dungarees only done up on one side. “You came,” she says, sounding surprised.

“Of course I came!” I drop our bags and walk to her. “Come here.”

I pull her petite frame into a tight hug, wishing I could take away all the hurt. “I’m going to go settle Ellis in his cot and I’ll be back down. Get Vin a coffee for the road? He’s beat today.”

She nods, already turning back towards the kitchen. “Okay.”

Ellis is still fast asleep when Vinny brings him in from the car. I take him from his arms and carry him up the stairs to his bedroom. At first, Scarlet wanted his nursery to be on the east side of the house, but then she showed me his bedroom which sits in the west wing, and we both knew it was perfect. His bedroom has the perfect view overlooking the garden. His grandparents watch upon him whenever he is here, and it feels like the most special thing in the world.

Vinny is already gone when I get downstairs, which doesn’t surprise me—it’s gone eleven.

“I’m so sorry I called so late. I didn’t know who else to call, and you know how Freya can be,” Scarlet rants over the rim of her wine glass, clearly worked up.

“You can always call me, Scar. You know that.”

“I called Mase.” She drops her eyes, pulling in a deep breath and letting it out again.

I frown, pinching the stem of my wine glass between two fingers. “You told him about the headstone?”

She nods. “And asked him to come out here.” She lifts her eyes to mine. “Am I stupid to hold on to hope of him coming around?”

I walk around the island and wrap her in a hug. “No. You’re a good sister. He’ll do it one day, Scar. He just needs more time.”

“What about me? I don’t get the luxury of more time. It’s me who lays the flowers. It’s me who tends to the weeds. Sometimes it feels like he doesn’t even care.” Her jaw clenches and I know she doesn’t believe her words.

“I know, and it isn’t fair. But you’re strong. You make the people around you stronger. It’s not that Mason doesn’t care, it’s because he cares too much.” I roll my eyes. “I have a little faith in him, still, you know.”

She smiles as she swipes at her cheek. “Mum’s headstone is beautiful, but it’s such a reminder. The date—the loving words of the woman she was. I don’t want to look at the date Dad died. I don’t want to read how wonderful he was.”

“I’m sorry.” I drop my head to hers, not knowing what to say. “It might not mean anything to you, but I’d give anything to be able to have such wonderful words written on my parents’ headstones. God, if my mother died, I’d have no clue what I’d say. Is that terrible?”

“No.” She laughs, and it makes me grin. “It’s very you.”

“It only hurts because of the memories, Scar. Try and focus on the good and not the words carved in the stone.”

“Thank you, Nina.”

“Of course.” I smile, knowing that she will be okay.

* * *

“You’resure you’ll be okay?”

“Yes! If I knew you were going to linger all weekend, I wouldn’t have called you,” Scarlet tells me, smiling playfully down at Ellis who is wrapped up in her arms.

She has to be one of the strongest people I have ever met, and I know she would’ve gotten through the weekend without me, but she shouldn’t have to. I hoped Mason would come around and show up on Saturday, but that never happened.

We had Anthony’s headstone placed and then sat out in the garden for the afternoon whilst Ellis crawled amongst the wildflowers.