Page 43 of Grand Love

“Could be a great idea.” He grins.

“Stop it.”

“Hey!” He throws his hands up in defence. “You guys made it through last week without killing each other. I have every bit of faith in you.”

“Well, that makes one of us.”

* * *


“Mason.Who is this girl? She just answered the phone! We cannot have her answering the phone. Have you heard her phone voice? It’s her regular voice but worse! Please tell me you have a plan here?”

George waltzes into my office, his finger running across the inside of his collar as if his bow tie is too tight. He’s become a solid fixture around here, and he gets shit done. The fact he has to deal with Jasmine makes me feel kind of shitty, but I don’t have the time.

“Did she leave yet?”

“No! She was late this morning. I made her stay on.” He shakes his head and I laugh.

“George, you can let her get home. Yourself too. You don’t need to be in this late.”

“She needs to be taught some discipline, Mason. Why are you being nice?”

George is right, Jasmine probably does need some discipline, but I also know this week has been hard for her.

“Let her get home now.” I nod, letting him know it’s not up for discussion.

“Okay.” He rolls his eyes, placing his hands on his hips and cursing under his breath. I lean back in my chair, waiting.

“Look, if she’s going to be staying and I’m going to be training her, it’s far more responsibility. I mean, I probably needed an assistant six months ago, and—”

“I will run it by Elliot, but I’m in agreement that you should be on a higher wage.”


“Yes, really. You have more potential than some of the staff higher than you. You’re smart, George. Too smart for reception—”

“I love the reception.”

“I know, and we appreciate you.”

“Thank you, Mason.”

I tip my chin and focus back on my screen.

“How was Ellis today?” He walks over to my desk, picking up the photo of me and Ellis from the day he was born.

“Fussy. He has teeth coming.”

“You don’t normally come in on the days you have him. Is everything okay?”

“Yes, George. Thank you.” I tear my eyes from the screen and look at him. “Is that all?”

“Yeah, sorry.” He places the frame back on my desk and slips out of the office quietly.

I reach for the photo George had just been holding.

Ellis is wrapped up in his blanket, holding tightly onto my finger. Nina took the photo; she took so many photos. They’re all I have of her from the past year.