Page 198 of Grand Love

Mason’s eyes are wild as he looks up at the doctor. Knelt at my bedside. He looks rabid and teetering on the edge of losing all control.

“He isn’t going anywhere.” I clench my teeth, the pain getting stronger by the second. “I don’t want to be alone, and if you won’t allow it, then I’m sure I can be taken somewhere that will take the both of us.” I look at Mason, and he nods with a deep frown, confirming that it’s possible. I sigh as I relax back down onto my pillow. “I’m in pain. Please, will you help me?” I roll my lips, tears leaking from the corners of my eyes. Mason is here. I’m okay.

“I can get you something for the pain,” the doctor tells me softly. “You are going to be in a lot of pain over the next couple days, Nina, and you will need to make sure you’re getting adequate rest. If you have any questions or concerns you should let the nurses or doctors know, okay?”

I nod, watching as the nurse comes closer and fiddles with the cannula in my hand.

“What happens now? You told me earlier that the next forty-eight hours are important,” Mason asks, rising to his feet. He seems to have found his voice, slipping back into the unruffled man I know. “Will she need more surgery?”

The doctor finishes writing on the clipboard, then slides it into the slot at the end of my bed. “No. No more surgery. However, I’m very serious about the next forty-eight hours being critical. I will not hesitate to have you removed if I feel like Nina’s recovery will be compromised with your presence. I understand emotions run high in situations like this, but while Nina is under my care her health becomes my responsibility and priority.” He bows his head a little, trying to show that he means well with what he’s saying. I see that. But I know the man at my side—who would tear down skyscrapers, and the cities that house them to keep me safe—is all but ready to clear the bed that separates them.

“Thank you,” I rasp out, lacing my fingers through Mason’s and pulling his hand to my side. He leans in and kisses my forehead.

It’s not enough, though.

It will never be enough.

The nurse finishes then says, “This is a morphine drip. If you find you’re in pain, you can press this button and it will top you up. It won’t allow you to overdo it so you can press it as and when needed. It’s very normal to rely on it in the early days of your recovery, so don’t be afraid to use it. It will make you sleepy, but that’s very normal.” She looks up and over to Mason, her cheeks fanning red as she smiles sheepishly. “I’ll fetch you a recliner.”

“Thank you,” Mason tells her, dipping his head.

And then finally, we’re alone. Mason rests himself on the edge of the bed, staring down at me deep in thought. “I thought I was going to die.” I smile awkwardly, trying to stop my lip from trembling.


“Did she come back? Did Mum come back?”

He shakes his head no as his eyes drift closed, and for a moment the pain in my side is gone, my heart instead exposed to the repercussions of my mother’s actions once again.

“You sent her to rehab?” I ask, my eyes feeling heavier than they did a few moments ago.

“I only ever wanted you to have a family, Nina. Your mum. Jasmine. I thought if I could fix the things that led us here, then maybe we’d be okay. If I knew she’d—” His head bows, his voice cracking, and I screw my own face up in pain. “I’m so sorry.”

His head drops to my chest, and I cradle him there. “Mason, this isn’t your fault.” I exhale a long breath, my arms getting heavy. “It’s nobody’s fault.”

“I should’ve been there.” His tear-smothered voice wavers as he gently smooths a hand over my side. I can feel myself starting to drift to sleep, but I try to fight it. “Scarlet. Is she okay?”

He nods.

“Ellis. Where’s Ellis?” I lazily open my eyes.

“He’s with Maggie and John.”

I smile, starting to give in to the darkness. “And Joey?”

When he doesn’t answer and I don’t feel his head move against me, I frown, but I can’t open my eyes.

“Mase?” I try to say.

My body is weightless, the pain gone.


* * *

My body tellsme to wake up, but my eyes are unmoving. I can smell pancakes, I’m sure of it.

“It’s syrup. Gotta be.” I frown, Elliot’s voice drifting into my semi-state of consciousness.