Page 191 of Grand Love

He frowns, and I can see that he believes me. His eyes drift to Scarlet again and soften.

“Thank you for bringing these over, Joey. I really appreciate it.”

“Of course.” He nods. “You haven’t been over.”

“No, I’m taking some time. I came and told you that already.”

He stares through me, his eyes assessing and full of questions. “Joey, are you okay?” I ask, taking a tentative step towards him.

“You asked me that already.” He continues to stare at me, even when I avert my gaze to Scarlet, I feel his eyes on me. Never have I been so awkward and uncomfortable with someone I know. A friend at that.

“Sorry, Joey, I think—”

The door clicking shut has me pivoting on the spot. I’m momentarily relieved for the interruption, and I expect to see Mason, or one of the girls, walking through my front door. What I don’t expect is my mother.

“Well, haven’t you done well for yourself.” My mother’s voice is like ice in my veins, shooting right through me and sending every hair on my body standing on end.

“Mum?” It’s been years since I’ve seen her, and from the lines around her eyes and slick roots that pass her cheekbones I can tell she hasn’t been looking after herself. “You got my letter?”

Hope blooms in my chest at the thought of her coming all the way to my apartment. I knew it would work. The picture, the letter.

“I got your letter, but there wasn’t my money,” she slurs.

Feeling embarrassed, I flick my eyes to Scarlet. I know she wouldn’t judge me; she went through equally tough times with her dad, but it doesn’t make this moment any easier. “What do you mean your money, Mum? You haven’t asked for money in months.”

“Because you cut me off!” she yells, gripping her bag with trembling fingers. “Is this him?!” she sneers at Joey, taking a step farther into the lounge.

I blink three times, shaking my head and wondering how my day can go so backwards so fast. I contemplate asking Joey to leave but I’m just as worried about him as I am about my drunk mum. “By him, I presume you mean Mason. And no, this is Joey—my friend. And Scarlet, Mason’s sister.”

“Don’t get smart with me!” She pulls her bag off her shoulder and grips the straps with a white-knuckle grip. Her wild eyes snap from Joey to Scarlet, then back to me. “Where is he?”

“Are you serious right now?!” I rage. “How dare you come into my home and speak to me like this!”

Before I can think, before I can process what is happening, my mother pulls a gun from her bag. She points it at Scarlet. I feel the blood leave my body, the panic taking its place and demanding more from me than I know what to do with.

“Mum?” I question, my voice deathly quiet as I try to stop my body from trembling. I chance a glance at Scarlet and close my eyes when I see a tear slip free. “Mum, please calm down. I will get you money, okay?”

She snaps her head around to look at me, tears brimming her own eyes. “I want my money, all of it. What he promised.”

I don’t know what she’s talking about and it makes my throat grow tight, because I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her like this. She’s on something, that much I’m sure of, but what? And why is she doing this? When did things get this bad? “Okay, I will get all of it.” I swallow thickly, willing my words to not fail me. “What did he promise?”

“A new life. A fresh start. A lot of money, and then he took it all away.”

“Mason?” I frown. “Mason promised you that?”

“Yes!” she hisses. “I went to rehab; I did the time and then when I came for my money he told me no.”

“You went to rehab?”

“Yes!” She shakes her arm as she shouts and I step forward, making her freeze up, her finger flinching on the trigger.

“I’m going to go and get my phone, okay, and then I will call Mason. Mum, please put the gun down.”

“GET ME THE MONEY!” I watch as her entire face reddens, her eyes watering from anger or maybe sadness. I don’t know because I don’t know the woman standing in front of me.

My tears slip free, and I roll my lips as I look back at Scarlet. I’m so sorry, I mouth.

She nods her head, and I know that she doesn’t blame me. But I also know that she is just as petrified as I am.