I pushout through the apartment doors of Joey’s building and hurry towards the taxi that’s idling at the curb. I step back so the gentleman that is climbing from it can retrieve his coat then pull open the passenger door.
“Can I get in? I only have Apple pay.”
Feeling relieved, I climb into the front seat and quickly close my eyes. Mason will be bringing Ellis home soon, but I don’t want Joey coming after me.
“Rough morning?”
My eyes open and I turn to look at the driver. He gives me a smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes, then looks back to the road. “Yeah. It’s been a day already.”
Joey tried to kiss me.
Tears fill my eyes and I try to blink them away. I feel so stupid for all the times I defended him. I know he’s hurting and he never would’ve done this if he wasn’t, but Mason doesn’t deserve it. Not when he’s always believed Joey’s intentions weren’t pure. Maybe they weren’t. But I trusted him to be my friend. I know this will hurt Mason. He’ll be furious.
I text Mason and tell him that I’ll meet him at his.
I know I have to tell him. After the weekend we’ve had together, I know we need to be honest with one another going forward. This has to work out. There’s no one else I want to do this with.
I get to the penthouse and make my way to the elevator, using the code Vinny gave me last week. My phone rings just as the doors start to close. It’s Mason.
“Hey, you’re at mine?” he asks, sounding surprised.
“Yeah, I just got here.” I roll my lips. “Could I stay tonight?” My voice cracks and I look to the ceiling.
“What’s wrong?” I hear wood scraping across tile. He’s still at the estate.
“I’m fine. I just needed to be close to you… after last night. Don’t rush back, okay? I’m just being silly.”
“Mase, I’m fine.” I soften my voice and chuckle to try and persuade him that I’m okay. “I’ll see you when you get back.”
“We won’t be long.”
“Okay, love you.” I hang up and drop my head back. Why does this have to be so difficult?
What was Joey thinking?
He wasn’t thinking, I know that, and I already know that I can’t expect Mason to understand. Because I wouldn’t. I didn’t. I just have to be straight with him.
The elevator pings and the doors slide open. Every muscle in my body relaxes as I take a step into the familiar space, but it’s short lived. I stop short at the realisation that the lights are on. I walk to the edge of the wall that divides the foyer from the living area, then peek around it.
“Lance?” He lifts his head that was buried in his hands in a rush, and I know I’ve startled him as much as he has me.
“Nina. Where’s Mase?”
“At the estate.” I tilt my head to the side, frowning at the folder on the coffee table and the USB stick that sits on top of it. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see Mase.”
I nod, my eyes flicking to the coffee table again. “What’s that?”
He steeples his hands in front of his mouth as he rocks on his bouncing knees. He doesn’t look at me, his eyes focused on the folder. My stomach seems to freeze, turning my blood cold as I step closer.