“He has a penis; it’s their thing.”
She laughs at that, turning and carrying the lantern into the house.
I already know Saturday night will be eventful, it’s why I have a big ball of anxiety sitting low in my gut. Between Mason, Elliot, Lucy and Miller—and me, of course, not that I plan to cause any trouble. But with the history that is blurred between us all, yeah, I don’t hold out much hope on it being uneventful.
We unload the truck and then head inside to have some lunch.
“So… Mason?” Scarlet eyes me from behind her cup of tea. She hasn’t mentioned her brother since I first arrived and I know she wants to know when I’m going to ask him.
I can feel Vinny watching me also, but I don’t look his way. I stopped trusting him to keep my secrets from Mason a long time ago. Although, he has managed to keep the ball quiet, so I should give him some credit for that.
“He has Ellis tonight and is off work tomorrow, which means he’ll be in a good mood tomorrow evening when he drops Ellis back. What if I ask then?”
“That’s Thursday night…” I can see her leg bouncing under the kitchen island. “It’s too far away surely?”
“He’s a man. How much notice do they need?”
We both look at Vinny, and he instantly holds his hands up. “I am not getting involved in this.”
I send a glare his way, knowing we will have to prod him a bit to get the information we want. “What sort of mood was he in this morning?” I ask him.
He thinks for a moment then nods his head. “Good to be fair.” His brows lift towards his hairline. “Better than normal actually.”
Of course, he was. Orgasms make everything better.
“So maybe a text would work?” I shrug.
“Hmm, no, I think maybe face to face. Could you guys stop off at the office this afternoon?” Scarlet asks us both.
“No.” Vinny is quick to answer, looking between us. “Mason has a meeting.”
He’s lying and it takes me a second to figure out why. “Are you worried I might run into my sister?” I bite at the inside of my cheek.
“You know?” he says, flabbergasted.
“Yes, I do.” I raise my brows, looking pointedly at him. I know it was never Vinny’s place to tell me, it’s why I didn’t bring it up to him on the ride over. But I at least thought Mason would have filled him in on the office saga.
“Sister?” Scarlet asks, adding to the list of people who are out of the loop.
An exhausted over the top huff leaves me. I really should start working through my ‘family’ problems. My mum, Jasmine, and the fact that Mason has known who my father is for the last year and a half, but I haven’t asked for the information. Truth is, life seems complicated enough as it is. Do I really need to add to that? Jasmine isn’t anything to me right now, but she is here, working in Mason’s office. I don’t even know how to feel about that, but I can’t ignore the feelings inside that come with knowing I have a sibling. The wonder is colossal. My one and only concern is Ellis. Doesn’t he deserve to know his family?
Do they deserve to know him?
“I’ll fill you in properly later, but Jasmine is the woman in the pictures with Mason. And she is also my half sister.”
“What?” She shakes her head. “Hold on… she set him up?”
“No. She didn’t know who Mason or Nina was before. It was someone else,” Vinny tells her. I watch him as he looks from her and back to me, and I wonder if he knows more than he lets on.
“She must know who?”
“Mason wanted to help her. She has children in care—”
“One who is a similar age to Ellis,” Vinny adds.
“And he couldn’t leave her in the situation she was in. He thought he could help her and eventually she could meet me and…”
“Jesus!” Scarlet stands, pacing on the spot.