That ass.
That fucking ass.
As if sensing my presence, she flicks her eyes over her shoulder. A smile lights up her face and the dimple that pops on her cheek is like a sucker punch to the gut.
No words leave me. I can only watch her as she pushes the pedals round on the bike, her legs and ass motioning in small circles. My thumb runs along my bottom lip, and then I pinch my cheeks between my thumb and fingers. “What are you wearing?” I ask.
She frowns, but it’s all cute and nothing like her.
“It’s my work clothes.”
“Are you dancing?”
“Well, unless you’re about to come dance with me, I’d say no.” She chuckles and comes to a stop, climbing from the bike.
Is that what it would take to get her to dance again?
“I’ll dance with you.”
Her step falters, confusion mixed with shock washing over her face. “What?”
“If that’s what you wanted, I’d dance with you.”
She watches me, her eyes intense and searching.
When she doesn’t say anything, I walk over to the weights where I start to stretch.
“Sorry!” she says after a minute, shaking herself off as she comes to stand in front of me. She starts to pull her hair up into a ponytail and her stupidly small top rises. I try not to look at her, knowing I won’t be able to control myself if I do.
Does she see what she does to me? See what’s happening in my damn gym shorts right now? I have the urges of a sixteen-year-old boy.
“Testosterone-filled teenage boys,” she mutters, dipping slightly to catch my eye and smirking at me.
The gall of the girl.
She’s fucking with me and enjoying it.
“Watch it,” I warn.
“What?” she exclaims. She knows what she’s doing.
I shake my head and drop back to the weight bench.
She steps up to my head.
“I’m spotting you.”
I run my hand down my face, feeling hot and frustrated. “I don’t need a fucking spotter.”
“Are you sure?” She bends at the waist, leaning in to shake the bar above my head and effectively shaking her tits. “You dropped one like this not that long ago. See, I have the scar to prove it.” Leaning even closer, she exposes her neck to me, running the tips of her fingers from the small red scar on her chin, right down to the tip of her puckered nipple on her left breast.
I snap.
* * *