Page 114 of Grand Love

“You don’t have to stay,” I tell her, but I hope she will.

“I know.” She disappears to the kitchen, and I look down at Ellis with a smile. We are so flipping lucky.

“Come on.” She walks past us and towards my bedroom.

“Where are you going?”

“To bed. You don’t want me to leave, and I want to know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

Half an hour later, Ellis is curled up beside me facing my chest and snuggling into my arm. Lucy is lying on her side with her head propped up on a pillow. I’ve told her pretty much everything, from Joey and the photos to Jasmine being my sister.

“So I left after he explained everything, and when I got to the elevators, he followed me in. He was holding me, and after everything I had just been told and after a weekend away from Ellis, I just needed to feel… closer.”

“And so, you told him you loved him?”

I nod, sliding down the bed slightly. “And then he told me he didn’t trust me.”

“Didn’t he try and kiss you just a few weeks ago?”

“He said he wants me, but he doesn’t trust me not to run.” I shrug. “I get it because I left him when he didn’t do what I accused him of. But I really don’t think I’d run again. If I can get over Jasmine, like I did the studio and Cara, surely we can get over anything?”

“I guess, but you’re not solely to blame here. You both have things to work on.”

“I know that. But I think we are at our best when we’re together. Elliot told me about how badly it affected him when his mum died. Then he lost his dad, too. I think when I run from him he spirals, and that’s not going to heal with us apart. I have to show him I’ll stay.”

“So you’re willing to try again with him? Even though he does things that hurt you, maybe not intentionally, but he does.”

“I love him, Luce.” I shrug.

“I know, and that actually makes me incredibly proud of you. You’ve changed. Ellis has changed you.”

“You think?” I chuckle, taking a sip from my glass.

“Okay, so you still drown your sorrows in wine.” She grins. “But Nina Anderson wearing her heart on her sleeve and putting it on the line for a man? You’ve changed.”

“Hmm, maybe. Twenty-nine years and you’re finally rubbing off on me.”

“Nah, you haven’t reached my soppiness level yet.” She rests her head back on the pillow, her hands on her stomach.

“So, what now?” she asks after a beat.

I sigh, internally cringing as I think about everything I said to him in the elevator. “I go into hiding. Never look him in the eye again.”

“You waited twenty-seven years for your pixie, Mason.” She mocks in a stupid voice. “I would wait forever for you.”

I rip the pillow out from under her head and whack it on her face. “Piss off!”

“You’re not going into hiding, although that was deep even for my standards.”

“You aren’t helping.”

She sits up on the bed, crossing her legs. “You need a plan.”

I don’t move, too comfortable lying back against the pillows. “What sort of plan?”

“He can’t trust you if he doesn’t let you in, right?”

“Right.” I nod.