“Charlie’s worked hard to have them kept together, and he’s working his ass off to build a lifestyle you can present to the social workers. But the only way you will get them back is if you show you want them back. Show them you’d do anything to have them with you.”
She looks at me with so much hope. “I can’t believe I’ll get to see them.”
“Do you want Vinny to drive you?”
She shakes her head. “I’ll get a taxi.”
“Well, the offer’s there if you change your mind.”
“Thank you, Mason.”
Somehow, we’ve gone from barely saying a word to each other to having an actual conversation, and a successful one at that. “You’re welcome.”
“Mason.” George’s anxious voice rings through the intercom. I stand from the sofa and round my desk.
“Yes, George.”
“I have Miss Anderson in reception.” He pauses. “She would like to see you. Now.”
Nina? Shit, this isn’t how I planned to tell her. I still don’t know how she will take this situation.
I look up from the desk and into Jasmine’s still watering eyes. “I’d like you to meet her.”
She shakes her head, her jaw clenched. “Not yet. She will judge me and I get why, but I can’t handle that on top of the boys today. It’s too much.” She wrings her hands in her lap, looking like she is moments away from bolting.
“Just wait in here, okay?”
I straighten my jacket in the glass double doors then push out and into reception. Nina is standing at the desk talking to George, whose eyes are darting all over me as if I’m harvesting stolen organs in my office and not an employee.
Nina is supposed to be working today, and my initial worry is Ellis. “Nina.”
She spins, her eyes eating me up as her gaze fixes on me. “Hey!”
“What are you doing here?” I ask, coming to stand next to her. “Is Ellis okay?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry I probably should have called ahead.”
“No, no, it’s fine. How are you?”
She looks between me and George then frowns, and I know she will be wondering why I haven’t already ushered her into my office like all the other times she’s come here.
“Could we discuss it in private? No offence, George.” She gives him a wink. “And I can imagine you’d want to, also.”
I know she is going to ask about the kiss and how I haven’t made a move since. The tension in the gym has been hard to ignore, but I know if I go all in before either of us is ready, it won’t work. Something has to give first. “Here is fine.” My voice comes out an octave higher than normal and she frowns again as I cough into my hand. “What is it, Nina? I’m busy.”
She rears her head back at my tone. “Oh. Of course, I can come back another time.”
She turns for the elevator, and I quickly nod my head to George and mouth get her out.
He shoots out from behind the desk and disappears into my office.
“Nina.” I grasp her elbow, but she shrugs me off. “If you just give me a minute.”
“It’s fine. I should’ve texted before to say I was coming.”
“No, it’s not. Wait a second, please.” I step in front of her and notice George leaving my office and round the desk again. “I have a meeting shortly but come into my office for a minute.”
“It can wait.” She nods her head, trying to act calm but I can tell she’s annoyed.