We’re sitting on the lounge floor, with the food we made laid out on the table. Saturday nights almost always consist of this. Just me and the girls and the best food and wine we can afford.
“I am so full,” Lucy moans, unbuttoning her jeans and dropping back to the sofa. “Why do I always do it?”
“You’d think we would get fed up,” Megan replies, taking another bite.
“I’ll be asleep by nine at this rate. I think I’m in a food coma,” I groan, my eyes feeling heavy.
“God, you guys! This is pathetic. We’re all nearly thirty years old; we should be out.” Scarlet stands. “Let’s go out!”
Lucy, Megan, and I all sit prone in our spots, not moving a muscle. “No.” I laugh. “I need a month’s notice for a night out these days.”
“Oh, man up. We’re going out. I’m calling Vinny.”
“No! Scar, not tonight we can plan it for the weekend after next,” I tell her.
“Nope, you’ll blow us off for flipping Joey or something,” she jokes.
“I saw him today by the way.” Lucy looks pointedly at me. “Joey. He said to check on you because you were struggling.” She rolls her eyes; the standard look I get whenever Joey Wilson is the topic of conversation.
Mason may have hurt me, but Ellis ties him to all our lives, and the girls seem to hold the torch for him even if I don’t. “You know I can be here whenever, Nina? Please stop going to him. He literally only wants into your pants.”
“That’s not fair, Luce. Joey’s had a shitty year. So have I. It’s nice to have someone who understands that.”
“We understand!” she exclaims.
They don’t. They’re here for me, they help me, and they do everything they can to make my life that little bit easier. But they don’t understand what it feels like to be truly alone. “Joey hasn’t ever tried anything with me. Not once. He isn’t interested in me in that way.”
“You’re crazy if you believe that, and it pisses me off a little. You’re not stupid, Nina.”
“Alright girls, let’s agree to disagree. Megan, make some cocktails. I’m going to call Vinny and you two.” Scarlet points between me and Lucy. “Go braid each other’s hair or something. We’re going out.”
* * *
We’re at Melders.Not my first choice of club, but it’s raining tonight so Scarlet wanted to go somewhere we wouldn’t have to wait.
Memories of the last time we were here smother me the moment we enter. The wingback chairs I sat on with Mason are now filled with other waiting suits. I wonder if he still comes here. When he doesn’t have Ellis, does he go out? I’ve never allowed my thoughts to wander to him as much as I have over the past week. It’s always been easy to keep my mind off him, but now that I’ve seen him again. I feel… off.
“Drinks, then dancing,” Megan shouts. “Girl, you look hot!” She flicks my hair back from my shoulder and beams at me.
“She does, doesn’t she,” Lucy says proudly, eyeing up her handiwork.
The girls went to town on me. I have on a white shirt that doubles as a dress, a pair of thigh-high nude boots, and a belt pulled around my waist to give the shirt some shape. My hair is poker straight. It took Lucy a good hour to get it under control.
“Too good. We’ll have to keep an eye on you tonight, girl!” Scarlet smiles.
“Drinks!” Megan pulls Lucy deeper into the club and we all follow.
We order and then make our way down the steps to the dance floor. It is packed tonight, which is standard for a Saturday, but the DJ is some hotshot and it seems like everyone had the same idea.
“Stay together tonight, girls!” Lucy calls over her shoulder as she uses her body to push through the crowd.
We dance for what feels like hours, occasionally popping to the bar to get refills. We have ignored every bit of attention given to us and just had fun together, and honestly, I think it’s the girls’ way of easing me back into the partying scene.
“I’m going to get a drink,” I shout.
Lucy shakes her head. “Nuh-huh. We’ll come with you,” she mouths over the music.
“I’m fine!”