“Nina!” George sings at me, being his usual cheery self as the doors open. He’s leant over the reception desk and stands when he spots me. “Oh, let me take this edible little poppet!” He leans in and takes Ellis from my arms. “How are you?”
“Good!” I tell him, gripping the coffee with two hands when I spot Jasmine rising to her feet from behind the desk. A small ball of energy knots my stomach, but I knew she’d be here.
“You look it!” George agrees.
I nod, smiling awkwardly as I try to think of what to say next. Jasmine is standing just as unsure on the other side of the room. She doesn’t look anything like the girl who passed me in tears at the hotel all those months ago. Her black dress is simple but looks thick and expensive, fitting her slim frame like a glove. I try to figure out if we share any resemblance. I don’t particularly see it from a first glance, but she does have a full face of makeup on. As if she doesn’t know what to do, she reaches up and fingers a wayward strand of blonde hair from her face.
I’m certain she feels just as uncomfortable as I do.
“Hello, Jasmine.” I nod, cursing myself internally when the words come out barely loud enough for my own ears.
“Hi,” she replies, quickly losing her frown and replacing it with a softer look.
“Ellis, should we go see if Daddy is finished in Uncle Elliot’s office?” Ellis watches George intently, slowly reaching up to stroke his navy and white bow tie. “Won’t be a minute, girls.”
“He’s about as subtle as a brick through a window,” Jasmine mutters as they disappear, making me dip my head as my lip curls at her comment. George really is as subtle as a brick through a window.
For five solid seconds, we just look at each other, waiting for the other to say something.
I jump in. “So—”
“Oh god.” I chuckle. “Sorry.”
“You go first,” she tells me, nodding her head as if it’s what she wants.
“So, I guess you’re going to be around here—the office, for a while…”
“Yeah, I like it here. It’s… good.”
“That’s good.” God, this is too much. “Look, Jasmine, I’m going to be super honest here. I have a lot going on in my own life right now, and I know from what Mason has told me you do too. I don’t feel ready to explore this.” I gesture between us in a weird unnecessary way and quickly grasp the coffee with both hands to stop myself from looking any more of an idiot. “Sister thing,” I add, hoping I don’t sound like a complete bitch. It hasn’t come across well at all, I can tell by the drop of her shoulders.
“Me too! I can’t… like it’s not that I don’t want to know you but…”
“No, I get it!” I smile at her, instantly relieved that we’re on the same page. “Maybe we could grab a coffee at some point, once things aren’t so…”
“Sure.” She nods, pursing her lips so as to stop her smile from widening.
“Nina.” My head turns at the sound of Mason’s voice. He has a wide grin lighting up his beautiful face as he stalks towards me.
He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my temple. “This is a nice surprise.” He eyes the coffee cup in my hands then flicks his eyes back to mine with a wicked look on his face. “For me I presume?”
“I thought I’d bring you some more shit coffee.”
“You couldn’t get me some of the other that I like?” My eyes bug out at him. I look at Jasmine who thankfully thinks we are talking about coffee. At least she doesn’t let on if she knows her boss is a sex fiend. “Excuse us,” he tells her, taking my hand and leading me into his office.
“Where’s Ellis?” I ask, taking a step towards his desk before his hands snake around me and I’m dragged back into his solid body.
“With Elliot,” he hums, his lips running up the length of my neck. “You really do taste delicious, angel.”
I tap his arm playfully and step out of his hold. “That’s not why I came here! You’re obsessed.”
“I am.”
“Go get our son, Mason. We came here to give you your coffee.”