If I thought now was the right time to reel her back to me, I’d do it—in an instant. But she proved today that she still can’t handle my money. I don’t know how we will ever get past that when it is such a big part of my life.
I have money.
I use it.
So what?
Maybe I’m being an ass. She told me she wanted me, she all but kissed me, and damn was it hard to stop myself from pulling her lips deeper onto mine. Maybe I should give her the chance—prove that she won’t run.
I expected her to leave and not let me explain about Jasmine. I sure as shit didn’t expect her to tell me she loved me.
I thought I had more time.
Nothing is ready.
Would I have tried to kiss her in the laundry room if I knew she was so close? I’d like to think not, but now she is left wondering why, and my only reasoning for her, was that I wanted her, but can’t trust her.
Leaving the lights off downstairs, I take the steps two at a time and disappear into my bedroom, flicking on the lights, then heading for a shower.
The hot spray hits my back and I rest my head to the tile, welcoming the cold contrast.
I need to clear my thoughts. Work out what the hell I want.
With Vinny’s phone call earlier and Scarlet, who I’m yet to deal with, I know that the next few days aren’t going to get any easier.
There’s something I know will help though.
And I’m a selfish bastard to ask for it.
* * *
“Mum, Mum, Ma.”
“Hello, my baby!” My voice cracks as I reach out to take Ellis from Lucy’s arms, giving away the emotions that threaten to break through.
It’s been the longest day. After I left Mason’s office, I went to work and didn’t give myself the chance to stop until my shift was done. If I’d stopped, I’d have cracked.
Lucy’s frown is instant, and I shake my head to tell her not to ask. “I’ve missed you, Ellis.” I hug his small body to my chest, and he drops his head there. “Have you been a good boy for Nanny Mags?”
“Mum said he was an angel as always. He had a pouch thing for his tea because they’re going out. She said he ate really well, though.”
“Thank you for dropping him back. Is your mum okay?”
“Yeah, Dad is taking her to the cinema tonight, so she asked if I would bring him home.” She leans in, smoothing her hand over his hair and he reaches for her. “Which is perfect isn’t it, mate, because we have missed Auntie Lucy cuddles!” She tickles his neck, and he falls into her. “Haven’t we!”
I inch away, pouting. “Hey! Mummy gets the cuddles now. I need you tonight little man.” I breathe him in, the smell of his shampoo and baby oil grounding me again.
I can feel Lucy’s eyes on me. “Hmmm. Does Mummy have wine in the fridge?”
“Good. Get Ellis a bottle and I will get the wine.”