Talulah gazed at the incredible array of lavender, orange and red on the horizon. She had to admit that, just like the stars, the sunsets here were some of the most beautiful she’d ever seen. “I doubt that. But even if it’s true, it’s better if he forgets me sooner rather than later.”

Jane took a sip of her wine. “Why do you say that? You don’t care about him?”

“Of course I do. That’s why I’m staying away. I don’t want to hurt him, too. I seem to hurt every man I get involved with. Paul and I can hardly say a civil word to each other these days.”

“I heard you on the phone earlier,” she said with a grimace. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s sad.” Talulah drained her glass. “We got along so well before. And I have no idea how to patch things up. He still calls me every day, but we can barely get through a conversation without an argument.” She stopped the swing long enough to put her glass down where she wouldn’t knock it over. “Now we’re even arguing about what’s best for the diner. I swear...when I see his name pop up on my phone, I feel sick inside.”

“But if you can’t continue as you were with Paul, why not let yourself see Brant while you’re here?”

Because there was something wrong with her. Because they wouldn’t really have a chance. And because he’d be stupid to open his heart to someone like her. She didn’t even want him to take the chance. “There are too many reasons to list,” she said with a sigh. “You don’t hop onto a train that’s speeding toward a brick wall.”

“How do you know this time won’t be different?”

“Because now you havetwopeople who aren’t any good at commitment. Besides that complication, we live in different states. And...”

When she let her words dwindle away, Jane twisted around to face her. “And?”

“I’ve decided to try, once again, to make up with Averil, and I know I’ll never be able to do that if I’m still seeing Brant.”

Jane’s eyes went wide. “Are you kidding me? After how she’s treated you?”

“I think she might’ve been willing to let the past go. It was my involvement with Brant that made her hate me all over again. She wants him herself.”

“You’re assuming if you back off, she can have him? What was stopping them from getting together before you got here?”

“Even if they don’t get together, at least she can’t blame me for taking him from her. I wouldn’t be happy if the woman who stood up my brother at the altar returned to town and started sleeping with the guy I’ve wanted since forever. Who would?”

“I get that. And you know I care about Averil, too. But...giving up Brant for her might be a bit much to ask.”

“Not if it could never work out anyway.”

“What did he say when you took the carrot cake over to him on Tuesday?” she asked, stopping the swing to put down her glass as Talulah had done.

She’d been talking to Jane on the phone while she was baking or Jane wouldn’t have known about the cake. Talulah sort of regretted telling her. She wasn’t sure why she’d been baking for him in the first place, except that she was dying to see him again. He was on her mind constantly. “I didn’t take it to him.”

“Why not?” she asked in surprise.

“Ellen had some friends over. When I drove past her place and saw all the cars, I decided it’d be better to give it to her for her company.”

“But you made it for him!” Jane protested.

Talulah had actually baked another cake for Brant last night, and she hadn’t delivered that one, either. Knowing it would be a mistake starting things up again, she’d bailed out and left it on Averil’s doorstep instead. “I know, but...like I said, if I could make up with Averil while I’m here, I’d have a better chance of keeping that kind of a relationship than a romantic one.” She frowned. “Averil’s the only friend who’s ever become an enemy. I can’t say that about the men I’ve dated.”

Jane scowled. “I hope she appreciates what you’re doing.”

“It’s possible she won’t. But even if she doesn’t, I couldn’t take a cake to Brant.”

“Because...” Jane prodded.

“I was afraid it would start something again.” Deep down she’d been dying for it to start something again. “And I don’t want to disrupt his life. He was happy before I got here. I prefer to leave him that way.” It was difficult enough to cope with the guilt she felt for crushing the three men she’d almost married. Now Paul, like them, was claiming he’d never forgive her. She didn’t want Brant to end up hating her, too.

“I think you’re making a mistake, Lu,” Jane said. “I’ve never heard of Brant acting like this over a woman.”

“If I back off now, he’ll get over it in, like...a week.” She snapped her fingers for emphasis. “And it’s for the best. I’m not to be trusted. He’d be the first to tell you that.”

“You could be selling yourself short.”