Telling herself they’d just gotten on each other’s nerves, that once her stint in her hometown was behind her all would go back to normal, she packed up some of her mother’s aunt’s strawberry preserves as she heard him coming down the stairs.

“You’re going to love this jam my great aunt put up. I’m sending a few jars home with you.”

“Thanks.” He peered into the bag she handed him before meeting her gaze. “I’m sorry I couldn’t put what happened with Brant behind me. I tried, but...maybe with more time.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She managed a smile. “Every relationship has its rough patches. We’ll get through this.”

He seemed relieved. “Yeah, I guess they do. See you when you get home.”

She walked him out to his car, gave him a stilted hug and waved goodbye as he backed down the drive.

After he was gone, she waited for the remorse to hit her, a desire to chase him down and bring him back, but she felt only relief—the same kind of relief she’d felt when she’d escaped her three engagements, as if all she wanted to do was run and run and never look back.

Except this time shehadto go back. They had a business together.

It wasn’t until she stepped onto the porch and once again encountered Paul’s botched fix on the screen door that she remembered Ellen wanted to hear from her.

Paul’s gone, Talulah texted her neighbor.What’s going on? Do you want to come back over?

Can’t. Just got an out of water call.

What’s that?

The pump’s broke on a well I drilled. I need to get over there and fix it. I just wanted to show you a conversation I had with Brant this morning.



She sent a few screenshots of a text exchange she’d had with Brant and Talulah sank into the closest chair before making it larger so it’d be easier to read.

Brant:Any chance you can see if Paul’s car is still at Talulah’s?

Ellen: What for?

Brant: I just want to know.

Ellen: Because you’re jealous?

No answer.

A few minutes later, Ellen texted him again:Why don’t you drive by like Charlie always does? [laughing emoji]

Brant: I’d rather not give in to that impulse.

Ellen: Asking me to check for you is the same thing. You realize that.

Brant:Never mind.

Ellen:OMG! Is this for real? You want to be with her?

No answer.

Ellen:The fact that you’re skipping all the hard questions tells me something.

Brant: I don’t want to talk about it.

Ellen: Because you don’t like the answers?