It doesn’t hurt when you cook?

Not too badly.

How’d it go with Paul?

This was the real question. She believed Brant was concerned about her arm. He’d taken care of her last night. But they both knew chances were the wound would heal without a problem. What the past few days might mean to her future was the bigger issue.

He won’t respond to me, she told him.

You haven’t talked to him yet?

Nope. I’ve even tried to catch him at the diner. He’s not there.

What does his lack of response mean?

I have no clue. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

I’m sorry.

It’s not your fault. I chose to be with you.

But I don’t want you to regret it. That sucks.

She only regretted the consequences. That was an important distinction. But telling him so felt as though it would put her at risk for backsliding.I’ll deal with the fallout. You have your own problems. Have you heard from Charlie?


Do you think you will?

Your guess is as good as mine.

I’ll try to dismantle my aunt’s house as soon as possible so I can get it up for sale and leave. Things should be easier for you once I’m gone.

That doesn’t make me feel any better. I still want to see you.

He was direct, as usual. She felt the revelation tear out more of her resolve and struggled to galvanize herself against an entire unraveling.We always knew it was temporary, she wrote.How do you feel about Averil?

She’s like a kid sister to me.

She obviously feels less...familial about you.

In case I haven’t been clear, I’m not interested in her—not in that way.

After a few moments, her phone dinged with an addition to his response.Do you wish I was?

No, but she knew he was trying to get her to admit that she still wanted to see him. And she couldn’t do that. Even if she was willing to face the disapproval of everyone in Coyote Canyon while she was here, she had to protect what was left of her relationship with Paul, as well as their business.She’s going to blame me, and I don’t want her to hate me any more than she already does.

You dodged the question.

Because it was one thing to wonder if their relationship had crossed certain boundaries, something she definitely felt when they were making love, and quite another to drag what she was feeling out into the open. She’d never been able to fully trust her heart when it came to men. Her track record proved that. The last thing she needed was to start something serious with Brant only to realize she’d ruined her life in Seattle for nothing.

Because I don’t know what to say.

I’m asking if the past week has meant anything to you—if I mean anything to you.

Her heart started to beat harder. She should say no. “No” would put an end to whatever was going on between them. But she couldn’t bring herself to lie.
