“It was one night. Surely, Paul can forgive you forone nightwhen you haven’t promised him your fidelity in the first place.”

Except it hadn’t been just one night. It’d beenthreehormone-fueled nights filled with some of the best sex she’d ever known—not that she was going to volunteer that information. “Charlie also threw a rock through the front window last night, and I have seventeen stitches to show for it.”

Debbie gasped. “Hewhat?”

“He hurled a rock through the window.”

“And you got cut? I hope you called the cops!”

Talulah peeled back her bandage to take a look at her injury. Her skin puckered where the thread held the gash closed. “I was too busy trying to get to a hospital.”

“But you’re okay?”

“I’m fine. I’ll heal. But it was pretty over-the-top of him.”

“That’s beyond over the top! That’s illegal. You need to call the cops right now.”

Talulah had considered it. Charlie deserved some type of consequence. But she didn’t see any real hope in pursuing a criminal case. “Why? It won’t do any good. All I saw was a pair of headlights and the next thing I knew I had a big piece of glass sticking out of my arm. From their perspective it could’ve been anybody.”

“So how do you know it was him?”

“Who else would it be? But he could easily say itwasn’thim, and I have nothing to prove otherwise.”

“Do you think he wastryingto hurt you?”

“Probably not as badly as he did. Still, he’s a bastard for throwing that rock.”

“I’m going to call him up and tell him he’d better back the heck off and leave you alone!”

“Back theheckoff, Deb?” In spite of everything, Talulah started laughing. “That’s the best you’ve got?”

“He’ll get the point,” she insisted.

Talulah sobered. “Look, I appreciate the support, but if he won’t listen to Brant, he won’t listen to you.”

“Brant’s been sticking up for you?”

Suddenly realizing that she’d always hated Phoebe’s silk flowers, she got up and threw them away. “Not sticking up for me exactly—just trying to talk some sense into Charlie.”

“That’s nice. But...you’re not seeing Brant anymore, are you?”

Talulah had told Brant only this morning that she wouldn’t be.But she held back on the timeline. “Of course not. Like I told him, we’ve done enough damage to our lives.”

“So he still wants to see you...”

“I’m sure he doesn’t care either way, Deb.”

“How do you know?”

“I just do. Brant is...Brant. He doesn’t takeanyromantic relationship too seriously. Have you ever known him to have a steady girlfriend?”

“I haven’t, but that was way back when. I have no idea what he’s like these days.”

“He’s the same.” Except that he was now friendly to her. More than friendly...

“So what are you going to do about Paul?”

“Tell him the truth, I guess—if I can ever get him to talk to me.”