It appeared that this was a very successful business, and that she and Paul were good at what they did. They seemed happy together, too—at least as far as he could tell from the photos.

Would Charlie’s message to Paul spell the end of all that?

A chime signaled an incoming text, and Brant realized he’d left his phone in his jeans. Setting his computer aside, he leaned over to peer at them on the floor. But he was reluctant to get up and retrieve them. It would only upset him if Charlie was sending a bunch of incendiary bullshit.

Ignoring it, he forced himself to quit scrolling through pictures he’d already seen and did some channel surfing instead. But when another text came in, he dragged his ass out of bed and dug his phone from a front pocket. He had to put it on the charger anyway.

Charlie had sent the first text, but Talulah had sent the second. Ignoring Charlie’s message, he touched hers.

Are you okay?

He climbed back into bed.I’m fine, he wrote back.You?

Trying to drown my sorrows. lol

How’s that going?

Pretty well, actually. After three shots, I feel almost bullet proof.

Is Charlie still there?

No. Thank goodness.

He didn’t approach you, did he?

For a minute it looked like he might—but he changed his mind.

A good choice on Charlie’s part. Now that Brant had blown up their relationship, he wasn’t about to let Charlie do anything more to hurt Talulah.If he bothers you, let me know, okay?

He watched a few minutes of a randomDatelinewhile waiting for her response:I’m not going to do that.

Why not?

I don’t want you standing up for me. I already feel terrible that you and Charlie aren’t getting along.

You did what you could to save the relationship. This is on him.

It took a bit longer to receive a response.What happened?she asked. It looked like you two were having fun until I showed up. I wish I’d never come. But I had no idea you were here. I was talking to Jane when we arrived and never even thought to look for your truck.

Going to the same bar shouldn’t have been a problem.

What’d Charlie say when I came in?

Should he tell her about Paul?

He decided to wait. He was still hoping Charlie had been bluffing and hadn’t actually contacted Talulah’s partner.Not much. Don’t let him ruin your night. Just try to have some fun.


He set his phone aside. But he could only ignore Charlie’s message for so long. After watching a couple of MMA fights on YouTube, he got up to go to the bathroom and, when he came back, picked up his phone and pressed Charlie’s name.

How dare you push me around!

Brant was tempted to remind him that he’d started it. But what good would that do? If Charlie had been thinking straight, nothing would’ve happened.

Brant started to set his phone back down, but then he got a text from Averil.

Did you really shove Charlie into a table at Hank’s?