“I don’t want you to have to face Charlie and his family alone.”

She was having trouble thinking clearly, because there was this other part of her brain that kept weighing the decision she was making right now and hoping for a different outcome. “I know at least part of his family will be there, but...surely Charlie won’t come.”

“I’d count on it.”


“Because it’ll be a good excuse for him to see you. I think he’s hoping you’ll suddenly realize what you walked out on and change your mind.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Not to him.”

She sighed as she imagined her ex-fiancé glaring at her across her great aunt’s coffin. She was definitely making the right choice by not sleeping with Brant again, not only for her and Paul, but for Charlie, who’d been hurt badly enough. “Either way, it’ll be fine,” she said. “Jane’s hoping to make it home by then.”

“Jane can’t pick sides, Talulah. That’ll ruin her relationship with Averil.”

What he said was true. Jane had tried to remain neutral for the past fourteen years, but since she and Averil still lived in the same small town, Talulah knew they were a lot closer than she and Jane were these days. And she knew that if Jane went to the funeral, she’d have to be very careful how she handled it. It would actually be smarter for her to stay away and avoid the whole issue.

Talulah would be by herself at the funeral. But it was only for a few hours. She’d just have to get through it, because she didn’t want to endanger Jane’s or Brant’s relationships here in Coyote Canyon by expecting their support. “I can manage on my own, so it’s nothing you need to worry about.”

“It’s not? Because I feel responsible for what you’re going through.”

“Don’t. Everything started long before Sunday, remember?”

“Youreallydon’t want me to go to the funeral?”

“No. Don’t feel duty-bound to protect me. What you need to protect is your relationship with Charlie—the same way Jane has to protect her relationship with Averil.”

“Except that freezes you out—in both instances.”

“If you ask any of the Gerharts, they’ll tell you I deserve it,” she said with a wink.

He frowned but acknowledged her wishes with a reluctant nod. “Fine. You’ll call me if you need anything, though?”

“Of course.” She had no intention of bothering him again, but she didn’t say that.

“Okay. Good night.” He dropped a kiss on top of her head before walking to the back door.

She followed him so she could lock up behind him. “Thanks for coming over.”And showing some concern, she mentally added. She had to admit that had felt nice.

“Dinner was delicious.”

She smiled, and he walked out, heading across the property toward Ellen’s.

With a sigh of relief, she congratulated herself for handling the evening so well. She hadn’t touched him once, let alone kissed him.

But as the seconds stretched and she imagined him getting closer and closer to his truck and driving away, her heart started to pound.

She didn’t want him to leave! This could be her only chance to be with him again.

In a sudden panic, she ripped open the door. “Brant?” she called out.

She could hear the surprise in his voice when he answered. “What?”

“I’ve changed my mind,” she blurted and held her breath as she waited for his response. Would he ask what she meant or would he know instinctively?

He didn’t say anything, but he was coming back. She could hear his footsteps even before he reached the rectangle of light spilling onto the ground. And she could tell he knew exactly what she meant when he gave her a sexy smile, stepped into the house and used his foot to close the door because his hands were already pulling her to him.