
“He’s even better-looking than he was in high school,” Debbie whispered to Talulah as soon as they were in the kitchen and away from Brant and Scott, who were chatting in the living room while watching the kids.

“He’s definitely put on more muscle,” Talulah said.

Debbie took out a large tray as well as all the ingredients for the charcuterie board they planned to prepare. “He looks strong enough to lift a house. And he seems so into you.”

Talulah started arranging rows of Gouda cheese on one corner of the tray, saving the gorgonzola for a spot closer to the center. “What makes you say that?”

After washing some red and green grapes, Debbie placed the red ones next to the Gouda and the green ones on the other side of the board. “The fact that he was willing to come here, for one thing. No man offers to visit someone’s sister, not unless he’s serious about the woman he’s with.”

“He knew you in high school, Deb. He probably wanted to see how you’re doing.”

“I’m sure that never crossed his mind,” she said with a laugh. “He ignored me in high school, didn’t even realize I was there. But the way he looks atyou...”

“Oh, stop.” Talulah washed her hands before spreading out thin slices of salami and arranging them between the two cheeses. “You just want me to move back to Montana.”

“I’m not going to lie—I would love that.” She opened a jar of green olives and filled one of the ramekins. “But I’m being honest about Brant.”

“Falling for him would really screw up my life,” Talulah said.

“Still, you are falling for him, right?”

“I don’t know. How can I be certain?” She added some pine nuts and almonds while her sister filled another ramekin with raspberry jelly and spread water crackers near a block of brie. “I can’t make another mistake.”

“You won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Because you’re being extra-cautious—probably overly so.”

“A woman with my reputation can never betoocautious.” She washed a handful of strawberries and placed them strategically on the board. “How’d you know you wanted to marry Scott?”

“That’s tough to say. I just...did.”

Talulah tucked raw spinach leaves around some of the ramekins and the brie to add a little green. “I wish I could be as decisive as you.”

“If you choose Brant over Averil and Paul and even the diner, you must want him pretty bad. I’d say then you’ll have your answer.” She winked as she picked up the large charcuterie board. “Are we done? What do you think?”

“It looks great. I’ll bring in another bottle of wine—and some juice for you and the kids.”

“The sacrifices I make for breastfeeding,” she grumbled and left the room.

Talulah stayed in the kitchen a few minutes longer, listening to her sister, brother-in-law and Brant talk in the other room. Brant was playing with the kids at the same time, so there were snatches of conversation she couldn’t hear above the screaming of whichever child he was tossing around or tickling. But she had to smile at how casual and comfortable he seemed—and how good he was with her nieces and nephew.

“Hey, Lu! You bringing more wine or what?” Scott called out, and she pulled herself from the well of her thoughts long enough to uncork a new bottle.

“Coming,” she told him, but her phone buzzed with a text before she could pour.

Setting the wine down, she pulled her phone from her pocket, whispering, “Please don’t let it be Paul.” If it was, she wasn’t going to answer. He had as much invested in the diner as she did. She could only hope he’d safeguard their business until she could get back. While he was in Europe, she’d have a whole month to decide what to do about their deteriorating relationship—whether or not he’d be able to settle for friendship so they could continue to make their partnership work.

Fortunately, the text wasn’t from Paul. It was from Averil.

What are you doing today?

Talulah stifled a groan. Every decision she made seemed harder than the one before. But, fortunately, she could answer Averil’s question honestly.

I’m in Billings, visiting my sister and her new baby.