
Sourdawg:IDK. It’s just weird. I’m being weird, right? There is literally nothing wrong with her. She’s awesome

Dudebro10:I mean, if you’re not into her, you’re not into her. You can’t help how you feel about someone

Sourdawg:Very wise, Confucius

Dudebro10:That’s me all right

Just then, we’re let into a game, so the conversation is, thankfully, put to rest. Phew. Of course, I can hardly focus on the battle, because my mind is at odds with itself, flinging back and forth from relief (yay, he’s not into her!) to dread (ugh, this means I’m going to have to set him up with someone else). I swear, this whole matchmaking thing is going to age me twenty years.

Hmm. An idea forms, blobby and vague at first, then slowly coming into focus. Why don’t I use the matchmaking thing to my advantage? Once the round ends, I tell Sourdawg that I have to go afk for a bit, then swivel my chair around.

Cassie sees my expression. “Uh-oh. What is it?”

“Do you think…” I bite my lip, feeling out the idea in my mind before plunging forward. “Would it be entirely terrible if I asked the Lil’ Aunties to—I don’t know—set me up on a double date that just so happens to have Liam in it?” Argh, now that I’ve said it out loud, that sounds bad.

“Not terrible, but why bother with a double date? Like I said, you should ask them to set you up with him.”

“And I already told you why I can’t do that. But a double date feels less bad, at least. I don’t know.” I sigh. “It’s probably a bad idea.”

“God,” Cassie groans. “You are so into Liam, it’s kind ofsad.”


Cassie smirks at me. “I think it’s a great idea. I mean, it’s not as good as going on a solo date with him, but hey, beggars and choice. Go for it. This way, you’ll be able to interact with him outside of your dystopian school, and who knows? Maybe sparks willfly!”

“Really?” I hate how hopeful my voice comes out.

Cassie grabs my phone and shoves it at me. “Yes. Talk to the Lil’ Aunties now. They’ll go for it, I’m sure.”

I stare at the phone for ages, wondering what to write tothe Lil’ Aunties. Finally, Cassie snatches the phone out of my hands and starts typing.

Kiki:Hey, girls, I’ve got a great idea. Instead of boring coffee dates, what about something exciting, like mushroom foraging or hiking up a waterfall? You could set up more than one couple at a time on these dates

I grab the phone back from Cassie, glaring at her. “I can’t believe you just said that.” Technically, I realize Cassie hasn’t actually said anything terrible, but still! She’s typing as me; she should be a tad more careful.

Eleanor Roosevelt:Love it!

Sarah Jessica Parker:Good idea. And we just got one more guy sign up, so we can now set up a double date

Eleanor Roosevelt:Yeah, we were actually just about to message you, ci

Kiki:Oh? Why?

Sarah Jessica Parker:The guy who signed up specifically asked to be matched with you

Heat floods my cheeks. Cassie, who’s reading over my shoulder, goes, “Oooh!” She grins at me. “Someone’s got a crush on you.”

It’s hard to keep the smile off my face. I mean, I’m so very into Liam it’s gone into uncool territory, but still, finding out that someone’s into me is nice. “Shut up,” I say to Cassie, biting my cheek to keep from smiling too hard. I’m still fighting back a huge-ass grin as I type a carefully nonchalant reply to the Lil’ Aunties.

Kiki:Oh? Cool. Who is it?

Cassie and I both hold our breath as three little dots appear next to Eleanor Roosevelt. My mind flicks through all the guys I’ve interacted with at Xingfa. Not many of them, to be fair. Maybe that guy who said hi to me that time at the canteen? Or maybe the guy I bumped into on the way to chem lab? Or maybe…

Eleanor Roosevelt:Jonas Arifin

Or maybe it’s the last person I would’ve guessed. And the last person I would ever, ever go out with. My jaw thumps to the floor. I stare at Cassie, who’s looking as shocked as I feel. We speak at the same time. “What the hell?”