Page 4 of Twisted Savior


It had been weeks since I last spoke to my sweet Candy. I kept myself as far from her shining light as I could bear. Yet I continually found myself watching her from a distance. Sheriff Hall was not a liked man. He’d made many powerful enemies and not because he was a lawkeeper. It was quite the opposite. He used the power of his shield for his own gain. He used it to betray and blackmail many powerful people, convinced that the law would keep him safe.

His daughter was none-the-wiser and had no such protection. When I was unable to watch her from the shadows I made sure one of the prospects kept an eye on her. It was one such time, as I was leaving my sister’s house, that I received a call from my Prez. “Hey, boss.”

“Wrecker, the teacher you’ve been watching, the Rios Cartel just grabbed her. Come to the clubhouse. If you want to save her, you have a short window before she’s shipped south and vanishes.”

“What about her father? Does he know?” I asked as I climbed on my bike.

Saint snorted in response before hanging up, “If he doesn’t he will soon.”

The Rios Cartel was a nasty group that rose to power after the fall of the Dominguez Cartel. They’d been trying to get a foothold in our town and were using the Sheriff for that purpose. That was until he betrayed them by putting the younger brother in prison on drug charges. Now they had my sweet Candy. If they did anything to her, I would burn them to the ground.


My foot tapped nervously as anger and fear filled my soul. I needed my Candy to be safe. I needed her light to ease the darkness that reigned inside of me. I needed it to keep me calm and she was missing.

"The prospect followed the SUVs that grabbed your girl, Wrecker. We know where she is. We just need a plan to rescue her. Intel says we’re up against at least thirty men. Luck is on our side though. The Kazon Brothers are still in town and are willing to help. The Rios Cartel made enemies of the Kazon trio when they put a hit on Dragan.”

Razor, one of the craziest motherfuckers I’d ever met, burst out laughing. “I’m guessing that didn’t go over well.”

The smirk on Saint’s face said it all. He brought out a map and placed it on his desk, marking the spots where Candy was grabbed and where the prospect saw them go. "This whole area is under construction and is filled with empty buildings. We know of at least thirty men in this building. We’ll use a distraction and drop the building right next to the one they are holed up in. It would make them nervous enough to bring them out. We catch them as they come out.”

"I want to make sure we're not dropping the building they're in, but I'll level that end of town if it means getting her back," I said.

"This idea to blow another building as a distraction, that's the kind of idea I fully support," Scar, our VP said, a small smile on his face."When do we get started?"

"How quickly can we make this happen?” Saint asked, taking note of my nervous energy.

"I just need a few hours setting everything up," Scar answered.



I slowly came to consciousness, my arms and shoulders screaming at me in pain as I hung by my wrists from the ceiling. I was now naked and trembling. Why did I have to regain consciousness? It would have been better not to wake up.

It felt like days before someone came into the room. When they did, they fondled me and used me as a punching bag. I managed to kick more than one of them in the face, earning me more punches. This continued regularly until finally the apparent boss reappeared.

I opened my eyes to see him holding a knife. He was looking at the knife, not at me. He turned it over in his hands like he was seriously contemplating what to do next. Finally, his gaze lifted and he looked at me.

"Do you know what happens when a girl is sold?" he asked. He didn't wait for me to answer. “They are used over and over again until one day they are broken beyond repair and then we throw them out like the worthless trash that they are. That is what will happen to you.”

Before I could respond we both heard a loud explosion that rocked the building. He cursed under his breath and ran out of the room, leaving me to hang there. I could clearly hear gunshots now. I didn’t know what was happening but a spark of hope filled my soul as I closed my eyes and just listened to the noises around me.

The noises around me quieted down as I heard someone open the door to the room I was in. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking several times in surprise. “Ezra,” I whispered.

He walked slowly to me, taking hold of the chains that held me suspended, and slowly eased me down. “My sweet Candy Cane. You’re safe now,” he said as he took a knife from one of his pants pockets and cut the zip tie off my wrists. I tried to hold in the scream when my arms fell limp to my side. I saw Ezra flinch, my pain reflected in his eyes. I could feel his anger, but he looked like he was in complete control. He wrapped his jacket around me, then put his fingers under my chin. "You are safe now. I’m going to take you to our clubhouse where our doctor will take a look at all of your injuries."

“My dad?” I asked. “He’s aware that we found you.”

I nodded as I closed my eyes. The pain in my body overwhelmed my emotions at that moment. I knew that we were moving, that Ezra held me close in his arms, but the haze of pain made it all seem so far away. It was better to just keep my eyes closed and rest.

Before long, I was in the backseat m of a vehicle with Ezra, still in his arms. I looked up at him briefly before closing my eyes again. I felt what I thought was a soft kiss on my forehead. I was

suddenly very tired. I rested my head on Ezra’s shoulder and was only vaguely aware when we got to the clubhouse. I could feel the darkness trying to take over and I was too tired to fight it. I felt Ezra place me on a bed and his hand in mine, but that's when everything went completely dark.

Chapter 5