Page 2 of Twisted Savior

I narrowed my eyes at the man pulling into the parking lot. A tall man, with short dark hair, wore a leather jacket that couldn’t hide his muscles. His tattoos peeked out of his jacket and only added to the mystique his dark sunglasses gave. As he walked up to us, he removed his sunglasses and I stood there dumbfounded. It was Ezra Martin, the one man I still dreamed of.

Chapter 2


I washed my hands, trying to remove the grease that never seemed to leave my hands. My phone rang in my back pocket and I recognized my sister’s ring. Quickly drying my hands off I managed to answer before it went to voicemail. “Hey sis, what’s up?”

“I’m stuck in horrible traffic and can’t get Caleb. Do you think you could pick him up from school?” Tiffani asked.

“Sure, but he’d have to ride on my bike to the clubhouse. You cool with that?”

I heard her sigh deeply, knowing she didn’t like the idea of him on the back of my bike for anything more than a quick ride. After she lost her husband to a motorcycle accident, just the thought of Caleb on one terrified her. “Yeah, I have to be. You have his helmet and jacket?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t let him ride without it. What time does he get off?”

“In five minutes and I’m still thirty minutes away at the bare minimum.”

“I’ll get him. Don’t let the city traffic stress you. He’ll be safe with me. Saint promised to show him the basics of poker so he could be his secret weapon.” Tiff’s laughter was what she needed to not be overly stressed.

“That man is something else. I’ll get there as soon as I can. Thanks, Ezra. I owe you.”

After hanging up my cell I turned to Tank and told him, “Hey, I’m gonna take a break. I have to grab Caleb at school. Tiffani is stuck in traffic.”

His distracted nod was all I needed before walking out of the garage and heading for my bike. It was a bright sunny winter day. The temperature hovered in the forties even as Christmas quickly approached. Putting on my jacket and sunglasses I headed off to get my favorite nephew.

It took barely any time at all to arrive at Caleb’s school. I parked my bike and quickly headed towards the bouncing little boy who was waiting with a teacher I didn’t recognize at first glance. I was barely five feet away when Caleb ran up to me and jumped into my arms. “Uncle Wrecker! I didn’t know you were coming to get me.”

I looked over at the scowling teacher who had her hands crossed over her ample chest. I blinked as recognition filled me along with every memory and fantasy I’d ever had about her. Simply seeing the woman made my heart skip a beat or two before it thumped wildly in my chest. Candy Hall, the girl I let slip through my fingers. The only girl I wanted. She was sweet and good and everything I wasn’t. Even now, just the sight of her and all I wanted to do was go to her and profess my undying devotion and love. She owned my heart and I wasn’t even in her spectrum.

It was as if the devil was looking upon God’s favorite angel. She was light. I was dark.

My life was bloody, dirty, and ugly. The complete opposite of the air of innocence and purity that surrounded her. I would only bring her trouble. I could only imagine the problems that would plague her from her father alone.

Her father, the town’s sheriff, was the number one enemy of the Dragon Skulls MC. Saint, our President, was determined to bring the man down. He was a dirty sheriff not above planting evidence or arresting without due cause. Nothing ever stuck and that pissed the Sheriff off more than anything.

What he didn’t know was that the club had a few secret weapons up their sleeves. Eventually, the man needed to either take a step back and leave the club alone. If he didn’t, Saint would destroy the man with his own web of lives. The only questions were how and when it would happen.

I looked at Caleb and hugged him tight. I loved him so much. “Hey, kiddo! Sorry I’m late. Your momma is stuck in the city and asked me to pick you up. Why don’t you introduce me to your pretty teacher so we can get out of here? How does that sound?”

“Ms. Hall, Ms. Hall! This is my Uncle Wrecker,” Caleb yelled in his excitement, barely waiting for me to finish talking. I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

I turned my attention to Ms. Hall. I cocked an eyebrow at the way she glowered at me, her eyes narrowed. It was easy to see that she wasn’t happy that I was there. Ignoring her sour face, I stuck my hand out and introduced myself. “Ezra Martin, ma’am. Tiffani Martin is my sister and Caleb here is my nephew. She’s stuck in traffic about thirty minutes away.”

“Candy Hall, Caleb’s kindergarten teacher. I know who you are. I also know that you’re approved to pick Caleb up. Are you planning to have him on that motorcycle with you? That is horrendously dangerous for Caleb.”

The tone of her voice set me on edge. It bothered me that she would think I would ever put my family in any kind of danger. I hated knowing she thought so low of me. “Caleb is six. According to the law, as long as he is at least five years old and has his own helmet he’s allowed to ride with me. Besides, we're only going a short distance. I’m not an idiot. I know how to take care of those that are important to me,Ms. Hall.”

“That eases my mind some. My students are everything to me and I wouldn’t be worthy of the trust parents put in me each and every day if I didn’t ask the difficult questions. So, I apologize if it was insulting in any way. Caleb is a special little boy and I would be devastated if anything were to happen to him.”

The smile and blush on Caleb’s face proved to me just how important her words were to him. Tiffani raved about how good Ms. Hall was for Caleb. I could see the proof of that for myself. “So would I. He and his momma are everything to me. Caleb has a custom-fitted helmet in my saddlebags as well as a leather jacket.”

“Wonderful! Caleb, you have the best weekend and I want you to tell me all about it on Monday. Okay?”

Caleb nodded his head as he wiggled for me to put him down, which I did. He ran over to Ms. Hall and tightly hugged her legs. “Maybe next time, Uncle Wrecker can take you for a ride on his motorcycle. It’s the best thing ever!”

Ms. Hall smiled as she hugged him back. “Maybe. You be good for Uncle Wrecker and have fun. I’ll see you on Monday, Caleb.”

“Bye, Ms. Hall.” Caleb waved as I took his hand and we walked back to my bike. Once he had his helmet and leather jacket on, we climbed on.