“Very well,” he sighed dramatically.“Until we get home.”Klaus waggled his eyebrows, and his wife blushed.

“You know, it’s a tradition to kiss at midnight.”

“Then we’ll have to leave soon after, I think.”Klaus laid her heavy woolen cloak around her shoulders and held it there while she tied it tight.

“I won’t argue, my love.”She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then hurried to the door.“To the workshop!”

Uncle Ludwig’s workshop had been his refuge during the invasion.A small building on the outskirts of the palace grounds, it was where the Master Tinkerer built his toys and clocks.When they arrived at the small gingerbread outpost, Uncle Ludwig opened the door with a smile.

“Children, you look wonderful!”

“Thank you, Godfather.”Clara curtsied, then wrung her hands.“I’m so nervous about going home.”

“You leave the explanations to me,” said the old mischief-maker, his eyepatch covering his violet eye.He bopped her on the nose fondly.“I hurt my back at Christmas and you couldn’tbearto let me travel alone, my good, dear goddaughter.”

Klaus grinned at his uncle’s cleverness.Clara giggled.

“I’ve finished your gift, my dear nephew.”Ludwig held out his hand to reveal a gleaming golden pocket watch.“This is how I remain flesh and blood in the Realm of Waking.You must carry it on you at all times, lest you revert to your Nutcracker form.”

“Yes, Uncle.”Klaus ran his fingers over the remarkable craftsmanship.The insignia of the Land of Sweets and Toys rose in relief on the cover.And Uncle Ludwig had engraved his initials on the back.

“It’s beautiful,” murmured Clara.

“Thank you, Uncle Ludwig.”He fastened the chain to his vest button and slipped it into his pocket.“I’ll treasure it always.”

“Alright then.Let’s be off!”Ludwig popped his purple top hat on his white hair and cast the portal spell.A brilliant blue light opened into a circle big enough for a man to pass through.Beyond the hole in the fabric of the realms, a wintry evening scene of cobblestone streets and glowing streetlamps greeted them.Klaus stepped through first, then assisted Clara to the other side.Uncle Ludwig brought up the rear, and the portal sealed shut behind them.

She breathed the first air of her home realm in days and tried not to let the lack of magic bother her.It wasn’t as bad as when she’d been trapped in the dungeon; no, it still hummed under her skin, but it was quieter now.Somehow, it had only been a week since she’d last been home, yet she felt as though a lifetime had passed.She was no longer the Clara Stahlbaum her family knew.

The portal had opened behind a garden wall.Godfather Drosselmeyer led them through a stone gate and down to the street.When she stepped onto the lane, she recognized where they were.

Her parents’ mansion rose over the hill as they walked up the drive to the estate.Carriages passed them by, the clip-clop of the horse’s hooves giving rhythm to the night.The stars came out to twinkle in the evening sky and an orange moon rose behind her childhood home.

“My apologies, my dear.Next time, I shall have the strength to open a portal wide enough for a carriage.”

“Well dear Godfather, you certainly should have enough time to recover,” Clara assured him.She didn’t mind the walk, but she wasn’t used to the hills anymore.When they reached the stoop, she took a moment to catch her breath.

Then Godfather Drosselmeyer strode through the front door, which was open wide with all the guests arriving.Clara and Klaus hurried to follow him.

“Good evening, Mister Drosselmeyer — Miss Clara!”Heidi greeted them with a curtsy, then flung herself into Clara’s arms when she recognized her.

“Heidi!”Laughing, she hugged her maidservant tightly.She had to wipe tears of joy from her eyes after her friend let her go.

“We’ve been so worried about you.Where have you been?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, Heidi.”Clara took her hands and squeezed them.“But don’t let me interrupt your work.”The last thing she wanted to do was cause the poor girl any trouble.

Godfather Drosselmeyer put an arm around her shoulders.“She’s been traveling with her old, decrepit godfather who hurt his back and needed help.”

Her cheeks heated, but she nodded.“We’d better find Mama and Papa before someone else does.”

“Come, nephew.”Ludwig shuffled into the drawing room, playing up the part of the sore old man.


“Godfather Drosselmeyer!”Papa reached them first, Clara hiding behind his form.

“A happy New Year to you, son.”The two men shook hands.