Page 8 of Black Mark's Heart

Alex smiled. "Do you know how long it took me to realize?'


"Until I graduated university and started spending more time with my father, as that was when I realized how often his business trips abroad occurred simultaneously with my mother’s weekends away." Alex smiled at me. "I guess the brotherhood only take notice of the affairs you have here at home."

I took a deep breath, wishing that even that would be possible for Mora and I, but I knew she was never going to forgive me for the way I hurt her. The damage was done.

"You idolize my father, so I want to make this clear," Alex continued. "What happened between my parents is nothing like what you have done to Mora. Do not even entertain the idea of making the same arrangement. Stay away from my sister, she's been through enough." Without another word, Alex continued past me to his car.

Sliding into the back of the Town Car, I waited until Clark got back behind the wheel to decide on where I needed to go next.

"Take me to Nahum, Clark."

"Yes, boss." Clark turned the car over and pulled away from the curb.

It was time that I had that talk with Tracey, but not before I fucked her so hard she'd be feeling it every time she sat down for the next couple of days.


"Jeremy Green is on the line for you," Wendall Boson, my new personal assistant, informed me. He was a recent graduate from the Cambridge Music program. A composition major, just like Mora suggested. This was his fourth week on the job and he was working out well. He wasn't as good as Mora in his dedication to the job, but at least I wasn't fantasizing about having sex with him every time he was in the same room as me. That allowed me to stay focused on my work. My productivity had nearly doubled over the last five weeks since Mora left the country, and so had my consumption of alcohol.

"Thank you. Put him through."

"Dare, what are your plans tonight?" Jeremy asked happily.

"Gym and home. Why?"

"Well, remember how you were hounding me to take you to see Denial so you could meet the band? I'm flying up to Glasgow tonight to deal with one of the supporting acts. I thought if you want to come, we can stick around for the Denial concert and you can meet the band there."

I smiled. I'd started listening to Denial as Mora kept playing their songs when she was living with me. Now, I played them when I was in my study at night. I'd gotten used to listening to Mora play every night, and the house just seemed too quiet without her. I frowned and inhaled deeply. "Sounds good. What time?"

"I'll meet you at my jet at five o'clock," Jeremy sounded overly happy as he hung up the phone.

We'd caught up last week for drinks and talked. He was the only one I could talk to about Mora who didn't judge me. Zander and Warren couldn't bear to hear her name cross my lips, and talking to Marshall about her was definitely out. Jesus, of all the girls in the world, but I'd loved her since that first dance. I'd loved her before she was a black mark, but that counted for nothing.

I shook my head and picked up the phone. "Wendall, cancel my afternoon meetings. Let Clark know I'll need him to pick me up for the airport at four this afternoon."

"Yes, Mr. Rafal."

"Tell Warren I'm heading up to Glasgow for the evening and ask him to let Steffen know for me too, please."

"Yes, Mr. Rafal."

I hung up the phone and sat back in my chair. I opened my top drawer and took out one of the two photos I'd ordered from the photographer for the wedding. Mora was so happy in this photo. No one knew I had it. I'd ordered them already framed, and I kept one in my drawer here at work and one in my study drawer at home. I hoped, wherever she was, she was happy. I was still taking the photo out several times a day, and it wasn't anywhere near as often as I thought of her. Putting the photo away, I got stuck back into my work.

By nine o'clock that evening, I was following Jeremy through the backstage area of the concert venue in Glasgow. We were standing by the stage while the small string accompaniment for the band played an emotional opening piece. The strings were based on the far side of the stage from us, and all I could make out in the dim lighting was a cellist and two violinists.

"It is amazing how three instruments can make music this powerful," I murmured. The music of the strings felt like it was going right through me.

"They are three of the most talented classical musicians on my books. They better make you feel it," Jeremy grinned.

All of a sudden, drums and a bass guitar came in over the top. It was a different song, and yet the classical music complemented it. I saw the other two band members walk on stage and, suddenly, the heavy rock music was at war with the classical. Still, it worked beautifully together.

The lead singer started singing and the crowd went wild. I stood there with Jeremy, enjoying the energetic performance of the band members. Every time the strings started playing, the music moved through me and I felt my entire body reacting to it.

After the first hour and a half, all but the lead singer walked off stage. The piano came up under the lights, and sitting next to it was the cellist. My heart stopped when I recognized Mora sitting there.

"We are going to slow things down and change the pace a little," Andrew, the lead singer, announced. "Ewan, our very talented drummer, is going to join with our equally talented Mora to perform a new song for you while I catch my breath."