Page 73 of Taking Chances

“Isn’t that cute? So willing to give yourself up for other people?”He grasped one of the bars of the cage, leaning in closer. “You know, if I were a different man, you might actually have some appeal. People like you are rare in this world, and I am a man who likes rare things. If we had met another way, if I had lived a different life, who knows? I never expected that a woman could move so many others, could change so much, yet you’ve managed it. That is rather impressive. It makes me wonder just what else you may be capable of.”

“Well, I’m sure glad we didn’t meet another way,” I told him, for once not afraid. Not of him, not of my future, not of anything. I’d put this all in line, had created this situation, and for once, I had no questions, no worries. I’d done what I did and now could only follow it through to the end. It was funny that it freed me in a strange way, and because of that, I allowed myself to speak as I wished.

“No? Am I so terrible?” He tilted his head as though honestly curious.

“I don’t know you, but I know that I wouldn’t give up what I feel for the men I love, not for you, not for anyone.”

He stared back, then chuckled finally, as though my words didn’t bother him. “Fair enough. Well, Ms. Williams, it was nice to meet you. I suspect that no matter how this plays out, whatever happens, I am unlikely to meet another like you. Believe it or not, I wish you the best and I hope that this turns out to your advantage.”

It was strange, because I got the sense that he meant it. He might not lift a finger to help me, but he truly wanted this to go my way. He nodded once more, then turned his back and walked away, leaving me to wonder just how much else rested under that exterior.

All I knew for sure was that whatever woman had to deal with him in the future would have her work cut out for her.

The auctioneer—the same from before—came up to the cage, his smile just as creepy as the last time. “I never expected to seeyouagain, but I’m not that sorry. Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I muttered, then nodded.

No backing out now, nothing else to do but see this to the end.

It’s time.


Being at the auction had my attention focused, and I was ready to react at any moment. I’d been here before—many times, in fact.

Sometimes there was no better way to get items than to come to a place like this, than to buy things from the shadows. I’d gotten information, key cards, necessary files. I’d learned that people could buy anything at the end of the day.

However, this time the items up for sale didn’t matter to me. Instead, my focus remained only on looking for Lorien.

He took the bait, so far as I knew. It appeared he’d checked in, though people entered through so many different places that there was no good way to find him other than this.

I had an earpiece that connected to the others, and occasionally they’d speak up to tell me their locations. The mic for it hooked to my collar and was sensitive enough that it could pick up even my whispers.

Still, I hadn’t caught sight of the man himself.

It made me wonder where Kenz was. Even after Nem’s call, after knowing she’d disappeared, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. We’d heard nothing from her, had no idea where she’d gone, what she’d planned.

A part of me hoped she’d given up on us all. Perhaps she’d finally realized that we would get her killed, and she’d turned around and left us all. As much as that would hurt, knowing she was safe, that she’d left before having to suffer through the pain of our deaths, was enough for me.

Becausenoneof us were walking out of this auction house. Bradley wasn’t the sort of man who would let go something this obvious, which meant so long as we spotted Lorien, this would all end today.

Still, I wished I could see her one more time, that I could see that smile of hers, that I could hear the way she whispered my name.

In fact, I even wanted to whisper hers again, to suffer through the pain of using my voice just to say her name, to tell her I loved her from my own lips. Not words on a screen, not written, not signed. No, I wanted tosayit.

But that’s not going to happen.

I’d given that chance up a long time ago. Perhaps I’d lost it with the first life I’d taken, as though the universe had decided I no longer deserved anything good.

And yet, I’d gotten time with Kenz, and even if it hadn’t been forever, it was more than I expected or deserved. I could end this, knowing I’d kept her safe, and close my eyes happy with that much.

About half the items had already gone up for auction, and the excitement had grown steadily through the night. They always saved the best items for the end, to ensure that people remained and to increase the odds of something catching their eyes.

I moved through the dark rooms, checking the public spaces, searching for any sign of Lorien. As a higher bidder, a VIP, he usually bid from his own private room. However, that wouldn’t help anything if his goal was to find us. It was strange, how we circled each other, searching for each other while trying to stay hidden.

More items went up—a priceless statue, the diaries of an old head of the FBI rumored to include a massive amount of previously unknown government secrets, an arranged marriage to a princess from a small kingdom in the Middle East—and they were all snatched up quickly.

Still, I found no sign of Lorien.