Page 45 of Taking Chances

As much as I’d have loved to skip over the embarrassment of admitting anything, after a few more students rushing out after glancing at me, I probably needed to address it.

“Does the model reallyneedto be entirely nude?” Even as I said it, I crossed my arms in what could only be called a pout.

She tilted her head as she looked up at me, the expression on her face so adorable it was unfair. “Are you jealous?”

“No.” I huffed at my stupid answer, then added on, softly, “Maybe.”

Kenz smirked, the look helping neither my attitude nor embarrassment at all. However, she wasn’t the type to just make an expression like that. Instead, she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me, the action showing none of the fear those other students had when they’d looked at me.

It reminded me that although Kenz probably had good reason to be wary, she wasn’t, not around me. It forced me to stop crossing my arms and wrap my arms around her as well.

And damn…she felt good in my arms like this. Her body fit perfectly against me, her curves giving, and she just melted right against me. She wasn’t stiff, didn’t resist in the least. It felt like a balm against my jealousy, as though she eased that negative feeling away entirely.

My phone vibrated, so I turned my wrist to see the message stream across the face of my watch.

Is now really the time?

Tor’s text made me snort, so I twisted my arm to allow Kenz to see it as well. Her cheeks flushed and she stepped back quickly, as though caught. “I can’t get away with anything around you all, can I?”

I caught her chin before she could quite escape, then tugged her forward and kissed her softly, giving myself that small concession because lord knew I wanted a hell of a lot more than that.

As fast as it started, I broke it, then nodded toward the door. “Are you ready to go?”

Kenz nodded, those cheeks of hers flaming as she tugged softly at the strap of her bag. “Yeah. I just need to drop off a paper to a teacher.”

“What paper?”

“Art history. I missed that class a few times and the professor said a paper would get me caught up. He said he’d be here today for me to drop it off. That’ll be the last thing I have to do for that class.”

Again, I found myself impressed by Kenz’s work ethic. With Vance’s influence, she could have slacked off and likely skirted by with a passing grade. She’d gone through so much stress, so much change, yet she still gave every class her all. She worked hard to do everything asked of her, to never fall behind or just float through life.

So I nodded and held my hand toward the door. “Where is his office?”

“His office is on the ground floor. He uses a cane, so they give him one closer to the parking garage so he can get there easier. I suggest you stay outside because he isn’t all that nice,” Kenz said with a laugh. “Also, he tends to spit when he talks.”

Her wording made me chuckle as we got into the elevator. “You’re always taking care of those around you, aren’t you?”

“Well, I have to deal with him—you don’t. There’s no good reason for you to suffer too, is there?” She flashed me a bright smile that made my heart speed.

My phone rang, so I pulled it from my pocket, saw Char was the one calling and answered.

“Is everything okay?”

Char responded with the same sarcasm he always had. “You worry too much. It’s bad for your heart and a man your age needs to worry about your heart.”

“I’m hanging up if that’s all you have to say,” I warned.

“I just wanted to tell you that we’ve had no sign of Lorien. I think we’re in the clear. There’s no way he’d be dumb enough to come here, anyway. He’s got bigger problems.”

“Good. Keep an eye out, though. Kenz has to drop off a paper to her art history professor, then we’ll head to the car. I want you in the car and Tor providing support.”

“We aren’t your employees. Did you forget that again?”

Why was it that talking to him always gave me a bit of a headache? Even though I’d gotten to the point that I knew he’d do as I said, he never let me get away with issuing an order without him snarking back at me.

Kenz leaned in closer, a mischievous grin on her face that I had a feeling she’d learned from Char himself. “Well, if you don’t want to be in the car, I guess that means Hayden and I get to go somewhere on our own.”

The suggestion in her voice about knocked me on my ass. Kenz was sweet—not seductive—but there was no way to ignore the sensual theme of her idea.