Page 23 of Taking Chances

On the porch stood Tor, his back against the doorframe as he waited. I hadn’t caught a glimpse of the man, but the fact he beat us back suggested he’d been close enough to keep an eye on it all.

We left the car and I held the box, tied with a piece of twine that created a handle.

Tor lifted his eyebrow as we approached, and I shook my head in answer. “No go.”

He sighed but nodded, as if to tell me it wasn’t a surprise. Unfortunately, that didn’t make me feel any better. Having him not shocked that we failed didn’t make me feel less like a loser.

Worse, the uneasy feeling inside me had just kept growing as all our options failed. The paths we had to take, our choices, they all seemed to be closing down right before our eyes. It felt like running through a hallway in a horror movie and finding all the exits slamming shut in my face.

Except it wasn’t my life on the line—it was Kenz’s and that mattered to me.

A hand came to rest on my back in a pat that knocked me forward a step. I glanced over my shoulder to find Hayden giving me that fatherly, ‘don’t be so hard on yourself’ look that I wished I’d ever seen from my actual father.

I offered him a forced smile then turned away, having no desire to continue this little therapy session. I opened the door, a sense of relief hitting me.

This place was home in a way nowhere else had ever really been, and no matter how rough the day had been, I found myself able to breathe more easily when I go here. It made me want to find Kenz, to see that smile of hers, to hear her voice.

Maybe it wasn’t fair to expect her to lift my spirits like this, but she was the only thing that could do that for me anymore.

When I stepped into the living room, I froze.

The sun was just starting to set, to lower to the horizon, so I’d thought Kenz would either be in her room painting or playing around in the backyard with the flowers. Which was why when I found her on the couch, my brain stuttered to a stop.

Well, it wasn’tjustthat she was there. It was more the state she was dressed—or rather undressed.

She wore a top but no shorts or underwear, stretched out on the couch on her side, with Char behind her.

Both had their eyes closed, looking like they’d passed out after having some fun.

My cock swelled at the scene, at how Kenz could manage to look almost innocent but so filthy at the same time. I rubbed my hand over my mouth, forcing myself to stay rooted in place.

Sure, my brain went straight into the mud, thinking about inspecting every inch of her body with my lips, with my tongue, finding every trace of Char that he’d left on her. I wanted to tease her, to steal that relaxation she’d found, to exhaust her all over again.

Before I could do anything about it, before I could act on it, Hayden cleared his throat loudly.


Kenz’s eyes opened, and she blinked slowly as she peered around as though trying to figure out where she was and what had happened. She stared over at us, a sleepy contentment on her face.

She shifted to sit up, Char grumbling and wrapping an arm around her to tug her against him again. That must have woken her up the rest of the way, because her eyes widened until she looked like a comic book character. She shoved at Char’s arm, not giving up until he released her.

Tor wandered closer while Kenz rushed, trying to hide herself, looking all around. Char, meanwhile, didn’t seem the least bit bothered, even though his pants were still undone and the head of his hard cock showed through the waistband of his boxers.

Instead, he chuckled at Kenz’s frantic motions, resting his head on his hand, not bothering to get up or help in the least.

“You’re back early,” Kenz rushed out.

“Not really,” I answered and made a show of looking at my wristwatch. “In fact, I think we’re about an hour later than expected. Were you distracted by something?”

She narrowed her eyes in a glare that made me glad she didn’t have a weapon on her.

Tor bent down behind the couch, then held his hand out when he rose again. Her shorts dangled on his outstretched fingers.

She snatched the shorts away, but frowned when she looked at them.

“They look a bit dirty,” I said. “Are you sure you really want to put those on? Seems they got covered in something that’s since dried. Can’t imagine that’s comfortable.”

If her cheeks could have burst into flames, I was pretty sure they would have right then. Instead, she took one deep breath then rose, holding the dirty shorts over her crotch to block our view.