“When you say interest, what do you mean?” Agent Smith is the one to ask the question.
“I wouldn’t have thought that a member of Her Majesty’s MI6 would be so naïve, but since you obviously need specifics, he has offered to purchase me,” Rebecca tells them. Smith and Jones look at each other then back to me, completely taken aback that my fiancée put them in their place. I have to school my features to prevent the smirk threatening to break free.
“There has been an offer made of fifty million pounds to purchase Rebecca from me. I was able to put them off for a couple of days, which means tomorrow night, by telling them I would rather auction her to see if I can make more money . He agreed and added that he plans to sell other women there since men will be coming to spend money on my fiancée.” I feel Rebecca’s hand come down onto my shoulder from behind me.
“And just so we are clear, you aren’t selling Miss Kennedy, are you?” Jones asks.
“No, she is not a possession to sell, Agent Jones. She is soon to be my wife and I will do everything in my power to protect her. That is why I have called you in. Harold, who you’ve met, will be with us at the meeting, as he is my bodyguard, but if we could get a few of your men in there also, that would be a great help. If you can take down the ringleader, I am sure he will tell you everything you want to know. He is accustomed to a certain lifestyle and jail won’t agree with him.” Harold comes around to my other side, and the three of us watch the agents carefully.
“And who is the ringleader?” Smith asks.
“Richard Lexington the third,” I answer. Their eyes open a little wider and they look at each other; I see the almost imperceptible nod they exchange with each other before looking back at us.
“I will accompany you as another of your bodyguards and then if you are able to get access for a few of yourfriendsthen Jones and a couple of other agents will come and act the part of sleazy men wanting to purchase a sex slave.” His voice drips in disgust at the last two words. I feel the exact same way.
I take out my phone and call Richard, making sure I switch to speaker so everyone in the room can hear the conversation. “Don’t tell me you need to change the plan again, Black. It’s all ready for tomorrow night.” Richard’s voice comes through, trying to be dominating, but he still doesn’t understand who he is talking to.
“I don’t think you want to piss me off, Richard. After all, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be auctioning off the most expensive woman you’ve ever had.” I see Jones and Smith lean forward to hear Richard’s part of the conversation better as Jones brings a small device out from his inside jacket pocket and place it on the desk underneath my hand holding the phone.
“What do you want then?” he asks, his tone different, filled with attitude.
“I have a few men who want to come along, as they are in need of new entertainment. I told them they could come along with me. Just giving you the heads up.”
“How many women will they be looking for?” he asks. I can hear the exasperation in his voice.
“I’d bring quite a few. After all, everyone’s tastes are different. See you tomorrow night.” I end the call before he has the chance to respond. He needs to know I’m the one in charge and not him.
I drop my phone onto the desk in front of me before standing tall, making myself as imposing as possible. “I am trusting you to keep my fiancée safe. If you screw up and anything happens to her, I’ll have your heads.”
They stand in unison. Jones, the older of the two, begins. “We understand your concerns, Mr. Black. We are trained for events like these, though. My men will meet us at the address tomorrow night. I will stay here with you overnight to ensure that we have every possible scenario covered.”
“Fine by me. Feel free to use this office, gentleman. We will be around if you need us.” I offer my hand to Rebecca and she takes it immediately, then we leave the room and head for the fresh air awaiting us outside.
I leave Rebecca, happily painting the roses of our garden on canvas. The oil paints on the wooden board mixed into so many different shades. After kissing the top of her head, and inhaling her unique perfume, I head back into the house. Almost running straight into Agent Jones outside of Rebecca’s office.
“Are you making progress with the Mexican Cartel? Do you know who is the one running the operation yet?”
I clear my throat, “I have met the second in command during our last meeting. I did inform him that no further meetings will be taking place until I am to be introduced to him. I will let you know when I have more information.”
Jones looks at me. “Do you have a plan you want to share with me?”
“I do.” I answer. Staring him down, “But its best you don’t know exactly what I have planned. We don’t want to risk any information being leaked and getting back to the guys we are hunting now do we?”
Without giving him a chance to reply, I stalk off down the hall and head back in the direction of the woman I love.
~ Chapter Twenty ~
We arrive at the oldwarehouse shortly before five in the evening. Several men are standing around, waiting for others to arrive. The moment I take Alexander’s hand as I exit the limousine we arrived in, all heads snap up and turn in my direction. They don’t make any attempts to hide their lecherous glances, their eyes sliding over every inch of my body. Alexander pulls me in close to his waist, nestling me in the comfort of his embrace, giving me the protection, I feel I sorely need.
“Gentlemen, look all you like, but no one will be walking away with this prize on their arm tonight unless they have the money I am after.” Alexander’s tone leaves no room for questions. He is authoritative and firm.
Agent Jones comes up silently, taking his position behind me, just as Harold takes up the same position behind Alexander. I spot some other men approaching us from the left-hand side and I stare at the man who is positioned in the front; Agent Smith looks different from when I saw him yesterday. He has some facial hair that could not have grown in such a short time frame and his hair is much longer. He’s taken on the persona of someone completely different—one who would frequent such places as this. Someone I would never give the time of day to. However, I have to remind myself that he is indeed here tonight to assist us with taking down Richard Lexington and his whole sordid operation.
“Black. Tell me, is this the woman we are all here to bid on this evening? Oh, and is she worth the price you are asking? And by that, I mean is she a good fuck?” His voice is now slightly accented, Russian maybe? I should be offended at the crassness of his comment, but Jones already told me to expect these kinds of comments from the men. That they need to appear as legitimate as possible so as to not raise any suspicion from the others who will be here. I keep my mouth shut and turn my face to face the ground, playing the role of a subservient woman.
“She is worth every single pound that you have in your bank account plus more, Ivar.” Alexander throws back at Agent Jones. I’m interested in how the name Ivar came to be, but also note that it suits the character he is portraying well. I’m glad that Alex made no comment about our sex life. I think I might have fainted on the spot if that happened.