Page 17 of The Debt

She needs to see the real me, not the nice guy I try to be around her. I am ruthless and I take whatever the fuck I want, no questions asked. I’m commanding and domineering, and that’s just the way I am in all aspects of my life, not just when I’m working.

She has to be put in her place, but I have to do it in such a way that she doesn’t retreat into herself where she is once again wanting to leave and constantly looking for a way to get out of here.

In the data collected from her tracking device, I can see that she no longer goes for extra-long walks in the open fields surrounding the manor, heading toward the forests, trying to see what lies beyond them. She tends to stay closer to home now, besides the occasional walk toward the edges of the property, no doubt scouting out which would be the best way for her to go if she got the chance to leave. It means that even though she may not be doing it as frequently, it is still on her mind. Although, leaving is not even an option for her. She is here with me and I will never let her go.

When Lexington insinuated that she was some sort of sex slave, I could have gutted him where he stood. Now, it’s true I haven’t been seen in public with a woman because I’ve never had time for one. I’ve always been busy working my fucking ass off. Escaping absolute poverty when I was little was my number one priority and making sure I never ended up that way again was priority number two.

I turned forty-one not long ago and something in me clicked. I had accomplished everything I had set out to do, become insanely wealthy, made sure everyone in business and technology knew my name and that I am the one to call, but I was still missing something, something I needed other than just work.

And so, I made it my plan to find someone who would become my everything, who I could share my life with, share my immense wealth with. And from the first time Rebecca challenged me and didn’t back down, I knew she could be that person. I needed her to challenge me like I needed to breathe, and if she continued to do so I knew this was the right thing for me to do and the right person for me to do it with.

I really shouldn’t have accepted her as payment for her parents’ debt; instead I should’ve been like any normal man on earth and tried to woo her the old-fashioned way. But then she could have said no. So, this was the only way forward for me. She had nowhere to go, and with all the mistakes I was sure to make, she couldn’t get away.

As much as I want to win her over, I also have to put some distance between us, for her safety. That’s hard to do when she makes me want to completely let go and release the beast from inside. And if that happens, I can’t guarantee her safety. I’ve never had to consider someone else’s wellbeing and safety before. Being alone has its perks where that is concerned. But I know I can’t let her go, so she will be mine, one way or another.

When I was younger, I got into a number of fist fights; the gangs around my village were always recruiting and since I was the tallest guy my age, with ruthless aggression to match, they would pick fights that I would win. Then one day as I was coming home from school, a woman was being raped and I attacked the man, and I didn’t stop until I snuffed him out with my bare hands. I left the next day, and joined the British military where I stayed for two years, saving enough money to go out on my own. It was then that I purchased my first computer and wrote my first piece of code. Twelve months later it was completed, I sold it to the military for five hundred million dollars, and scored a contract that any future development in that field would be offered to them first.

Now that I have someone—a woman who I care about—there is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her safe, and if that means I have to keep her safe from me too—although it will almost kill me to do it—I’ll make that sacrifice.

~ Chapter Eleven ~


So, we kissed again, and it was just as incredible as the first time we connected, but before I had a chance to get my head around it, he was gone. This morning, Thelma advised me that he had left for work early and she didn’t know when he would be back. When asked if this was normal for him, she happily responded that he often goes away for lengths of time when conducting business, with no return date given.

I go about my day as I usually do when he isn’t around; I wander the house, always searching for any possible clue as to where I am or who Alexander Black is. As usual, I find nothing. I know I’m in England—Thelma told me as much when I asked her—but other than that I have no idea what part of the country I am in.

All three members of Alexander’s household speak with a British accent, so it’s hard for me to argue this fact, especially since every day I have been here so far has been modestly sunny and lukewarm which is typical of English weather. The only thing missing is the rain.

Later on, when I come down for dinner, I see only one place setting has been arranged at the dining table. I’m not upset that he isn’t here; last time he went away for work it was four days before he was home, so I didn’t really expect him to return this quickly. Although a part of me did hope that maybe after last night he would make more of an effort to be here with me. I eat my meal in peace then return to my room, read a book I selected from Alexander’s incredibly well-stocked library, and fall asleep.

It is the same routine for two entire weeks—the longest he has ever been away. While lying on my bed with a book in hand, I hear his airplane pass overhead. I drop my book on the floor as I run from my room, down the stairs, and wait at the front door for him. I see the car coming toward the house and I try my hardest not to bounce on my feet, not wanting him to see how happy I am for him to be home. The car pulls to a stop and he exits the vehicle.

“You’re home!” I exclaim, a smile across my face.

“Yes, for a couple of days. Excuse me,” he says and strides past me without another word. I tell myself that he is behaving like this since his trip home was a bad one.

I arrive at the dining room dressed in one of the nicer cocktail dresses that have hung in my closet since my arrival, my makeup and hair done perfectly, wanting to make an effort for him. As I walk in though, I once again see only one setting on the table. I sit in the lonely, empty room, pushing around the food on my plate for a good fifteen minutes before giving up without eating one bite. When I return to my room, I spend the rest of the night crying into my pillow.

I don’t leave my personal bubble the next day, hoping that maybe he’ll come to see me, but nightfall arrives and still no visit from Alexander. I don’t bother getting dressed up, instead padding to the kitchen and making myself some toast and a cup of black tea before returning to my room.

In the morning I’m awoken by noises at my door. I leap out of bed and throw the door open; Harold is there with a pile of boxes at his feet.

“Good morning, Miss Kennedy. These are all for you.”

“What are they?” I ask.

“It’s the list of items you asked Mr. Black for. Should I bring them inside for you?”

I briefly nod before pushing past Harold and heading downstairs to Alexander’s private quarters. I look directly to the top right-hand side of the door where I located a small pin camera the last time I was investigating this area.

“Get your ass out here and talk to me right now, Black.” I position my hands on my hips and don’t break eye contact.

His voice comes from behind me. “What do you need to talk about, Rebecca?”

I turn on my heel and stalk right up to him, until we are barely an inch apart, my face level with his chest. He doesn’t move, just stares down at me, a look of faint annoyance across his features.

“What is wrong with you? You’ve been gone for two fucking weeks and you won’t even talk to me?”