Page 93 of She Wolf

“That sucks. I’m sorry it won’t be as special as it could be for you, but I know you’ll do everything you can for her. And you know we’ll do anything we can for the two of you,” I say. Theo puts his arm around Casey, who looks up at the three of us.

“Do you think it’s selfish of me? Knowing that this will come with heartache too?”

“No!” Rex bangs his bottle on the table and the beer shoots out of it. Luckily, it was nearly finished, and I pass him some napkins.

“Fuck that. It’s going to be amazing you’ll see.”

“I called Jim, Lex’s Dad a little while ago. He’s going to bring Pixie’s mom’s engagement ring with him when he visits soon.” He scrubs his hands over his face,

“I don’t know whether to use it or get her one custom-made, it’s… I don’t know what the right thing to do is.”

My heart breaks a little for them. But if anyone deserves a happy ending it’s Anna and Casey.

“Whatever you decide, will be exactly how it’s supposed to be. You’ll see,” I say, and he grants me a small smile.

“You’ll be next,” Theo says, pointing his beer bottle at me.

“Fine by me.” I can’t even joke. I would marry that woman tomorrow. Tonight even, if it was possible.

“Cheers to that,” he smirks, and we clink our bottles together.

“I still think it’s perfect though,” Theo says after a moment of quiet where we take in the atmosphere of the bar.

“Maybe just ask her privately,” Rex adds.

I nod in agreement. “Best to do it just the two of you.”

“Oooh, how hard is that gonna be for you? Having to be discreet? No fanfare, no parade. Casey Madden doing something on the down low? Practically impossible,” Theo says with a shit-eating grin.

“Shut it asshole. I’d do anything for her, and you damn well know it.”

“I do Cuz, I do.” Theo makes a show of raising his bottle. “To the four luckiest bastards on the planet and the beautiful women who love them.” We clink our bottles again.

The bar is busier now than when we first walked in. Happy holidaymakers and regular locals are starting to fill up the tables and bar stools as well as the open spaces in between. The string bulb lights that are fixed to the eaves and the lanterns dotted around the walls brighten, as the sky starts to streak pink and orange, giving the place a warm and inviting feel.

“What the fuck are you four saps doing over here in the corner?” Adam asks as he arrives at our table freshly showered and ready for whatever the night brings.

Callan and Knox are right behind him.

“He’s on one tonight,” Callan says pointing at Adam as he moves away in search of God knows what. Callan lowers himself into the free chair next to mine.

“Where are the others?” Casey asks Knox who’s also taking a seat.

Their brothers were due to land two hours ago, so their lack of presence doesn’t make any sense.

“Flight was delayed,” he shouts over his shoulder as he scans the bar and motioning to Rex who’s ordering more drinks. “They’ll text when they’re on their way here.”

“Fuck, you lot are the worst,” Adam says giving us all a shitty look as he emerges from the throng of patrons.

“There are so many fine ass girls in here, all suntanned and salty skinned, and you’re sitting in a corner,” he pouts before continuing,

“Tonight, let's try to have fun. I won’t even get women involved. Just us, shots, and this awesome music. You in?” Just as DNCE’s ‘Cake by the Ocean’ comes on.

My face splits in half with a smile as Joe Jonas brings the beachy vibes while Adam rolls his eyes at me,

“Fine, we’re in. No girls though. I fucking mean it. Boys night or no night,” Casey insists.

“Yes. I can go without pussy for a night,” is Adam’s reply.