“You are such a fuckin’ kiss ass. We all bought one home for you and Jack.”
“Wow really. They’ve been released?” I say reaching out my hand to Knox.
“Yep. Well, they officially come out tomorrow, but we went up to marketing and managed to get them for you early.”
Their eyes sparkle, their smiles are bright, chests heaving from fighting to get to me first. And joy is what I feel. Blissful joy.
“Come on then let's go in and look at them. You can all have one of the popsicles Jack and Beau made before I dropped them off.”
At that, my brothers dash into the kitchen quicker than I can start.
“Erm, Coralie?”
“Yeah, Bae?” My eyes immediately fall to the ground with a sigh at how ridiculous that one just sounded coming out of my mouth.Will I ever find a pet name for him?
“I know you wear your brothers and God knows it will be even harder when Jason comes to play but I thought maybe you could have one of mine and it can stay in the closet or something,” Gunner pulls on his neck as I take the package from him. “Fuck, I just really wanted to bring mine home to you even though it will never get worn because you love those cocky bastards so much.”
This man. Jesus. His gaze melts me on the spot. His kindness and thoughtfulness are endless. On reflex, I launch myself up against his body and kiss him as he tries to steady us. Hard. And I hold on to him so tight I’m bound to leave marks, because what he does for me, is the stuff book boyfriends are made of.
I get to love my brothers freely and unapologetically even though it sometimes means he gets lost in the crowd. Except he doesn’t. Never has. I’ve always seen him, the last thing he is, is invisible to me.
Five years ago
“Hey, did you get my package?” I hear as I answer a call from Casey.
“What package?” I ask into the phone not bothering to say hello either.
“It says it’s been delivered go check!”
“Okay. Hang on.” I scurry out of the kitchen to the little table we keep by the door and then about turn and double back into our bedroom.
“You’ll love it, it’s for the game tonight,” he continues. “Coach says I’m going to get some ice time, so I had this couriered to you. It says it was signed for.”
“Oh. Nick must have accepted it.” Turning into the bedroom I gasp when I see the box addressed to me ripped open and I know straight away something is very wrong. The opening is jagged and carelessly cut.You do not belong to himscratched in pen along the side.
“Hurry up, Coralie I need to go gear up.”
I pull the cardboard apart further and can barely contain the flood of tears. Lifting it out of the box further, the forest green Minnesota Wild jersey falls away into three pieces which I clutch to my chest, closing my eyes.
Unaware, Casey carries on excitedly. “I know you already have one from when I got here but I thought seeing as this is my first official game, well, you know,” he trails off.
Steeling myself I nod and try to find my voice.
“Oh, Casey it’s perfect thank you. I can’t wait to wear it. I’m so proud of you.”
My smile is genuine even though I feel like it’s me who’s been shredded and not the jersey.
“What’s wrong Coralie? Why are you crying?”
“I’m just really happy and wish I was there with you at your first NHL game. All your hard work paid off and look at you now! Using a courier and everything.”
“Ha-ha! Right? I gotta go but if I score it’s for Jack, okay?”
“Well, now you’ve said it you’ve got to.” I mean he’s in bed, but I’ll show him the highlights tomorrow.
I hear his name being called. “Shit. This is it. Love ya!”