Page 71 of She Wolf

“I went to Disney World with my little sister when she was about a year older than you. I’d say you’re in with a shot next year,” Anna says.

“Yeah? Maybe next off season we can go there as well as the beach.” He turns to fully face Anna. “Do you miss her?”

“My sister?” Anna’s sister and parents died in a horrific car accident about a year and a half ago and she’s obviously still reeling from it. She has counselling to help deal with the grief. Her best friend Lexie, and of course Casey are helping too.

“Jack,” I softly warn.

“It’s okay Coralie,” she says, pulling her sunglasses off.

“I miss her every day, more than every day. I think about her all the time. But do you want to know something really special?”


“You remind me of her a lot. When she was interested in something, she used to go all in. Like, she went crazy for pandas. Absolutely loved them. Could reel off a hundred facts about them, had soft toys, posters, stationery, the lot. She was the same over netball. It’s a sport we have back in England, and she was really, really good. She played for her school team and even the county.”

“What does county mean?”

“I suppose maybe it’s the same as playing state, but on a smaller scale.”

“Wow, she really was good.”

“Yes, she was.” It goes quiet for about five seconds.

“So can I play netball?” Jack asks Anna.

“You can. I’ll teach you, it’s a lot like basketball,” she tells him with a big smile.

“Cool. Thanks, Anna! Mom, I’m just gonna go check my room.” he thumbs over his shoulder.

“It won’t be any different buddy. Casey would never do that to you,” I assure him.

“I know, I’m just going to…” He backs away and then turns and runs off. I have no idea why he thinks it would be any different than when he left it a few days ago. I shake my head and then turn to face Anna.

“You, okay?” I ask, scanning her face for any signs that she’s gotten upset talking about Alice, her sister.

“I really am.”

I pull her in for a hug anyway just to be on the safe side.


“Gunner. FINALLY. Come on, check this out!” Gunner rounds the counter and takes in the array of ramekins we have set up in the kitchen. Cookie crumble, chocolate chips, sprinkles, marshmallows, and more line the countertop along with strawberry, hot fudge and chocolate sauce.

“’kay, so this is a sundae station,” Jack says waving his arm in a sweeping motion. “You get your—Mom! Where’s the ice cream?” Beau giggles and Jack elbows him


“Can you let Gunner actually take a breath and say hello?” I tell him.

Jack’s head falls back almost like he’s trying to find the patience but before Gunner can put him out of his misery, Beau pipes up,

“He—hey Gunner Grey number forty-four,” he squeaks.

“That’s me. How’s it going, Beau? Remember we met a while back? Well, actually I think we’ve met twenty or so times now.” Jack’s best friend, Beau, nods and goes bright red.

Gunner rubs his hands together. “Now, come on, Coralie, the boys wanna know, where’s the ice cream?”

“Oh, that’s how it is, is it?” I ask, bumping Gunner with my hip.