Page 69 of She Wolf

He walks around to the driver’s side and points to the hidden piece of plastic in the footwell.

“Why is it there?” I shout. “It’s like some bored engineer went “hey you know what would be funny? To hide the hood opener-upper!”” Gunner tries to hide his smile as I huff and pump the lever twice, just as he instructs. It still doesn’t come up.

“It hasn’t lifted up,” I say stating the obvious. He beckons me to the front of the car and feels under the now slightly ajar hood. He moves his hand and taps his fingers.

“Look here,” he says softly.

“Another lever!” I screech. “What the hell Gunner?” Now, he really does laugh.

“This will release it fully. Just push and lift.”

I do and it just lifts up easy peasy but then I hit a snag. How am I supposed to find the place where I pour the water in while holding the hood up?

I make pleading eyes at him. “Can you hold this for me?” I ask. He shakes his head and motions towards another area just inside the exposed car.

“Ah! Is that a poley holder?” I ask as I go to unclip it.

“Well, kinda. It’s called a hood rod.” I lift it like an antenna and when his gaze flits to the underside of the hood I finally get it.

I place the hood rod in the little groove and finally the hood is secured up and out of the way.

Then my face falls. There’s so much going on under here. I can do this though, I know it. As my gaze roves over all the metal and rubber it lands on what I think the water tube might be.

“Is this it?” I ask him and he nods.

Popping the cap, I retrieve one of the jugs of premade water and wash and start to fill. I was right in thinking that it would take both of the large jugs.

Once it’s all done, I place the cap back on, undo the hood rod and let the hood fall back down.

I yelp with pride and throw my arms around Gunner who picks me up and spins.

“I did it. I am sooo good at this being on your own stuff!”

His face blanches and he tries to cover it with a tight smile as he places me back down.

“Is that what all this was about? You want to do things by yourself?”

“No,” I say immediately and then shake my head. “I mean yes,” but I take his hand in my own.

“I just want toknowthat I can do these things. I know you and Casey are more than happy to help me. I just want you doing it as a favor and not out of necessity. Does that make sense?”

He smiles again but this one is real. “It makes total sense. I’m proud of you. Now I won’t be worried sick that your washer fluid will run out when I’m away. I’d have to fly home from wherever I am and refill it for you.”

“Ha, ha. Gunner. You’re so funny.” He takes my face in his hands and kisses me sweetly.

I take a few steps away, towards the end of the drive and take in my surroundings. The houses in this neighborhood are incredible.

They’re all different, ranging from gated properties to houses with front lawns and long drives. It’s quiet and lined with full leafy trees in varying shades of green. The gardens are manicured to within an inch of their lives. Shrubs and rose bushes pruned to perfection.

The houses themselves vary from modern, newer built homes like Casey’s and Callan’s to Tudor or sprawling craftsman style like Gunners. All with masses of space for pools, decks, and patios.

“Whatcha thinking?” he asks, pulling me back into his arms. Of course, I go willingly.

“Just how beautiful this neighborhood is.”

“Yeah, I think we lucked out nabbing these houses when he did.”

“Do you think in a couple of years there’ll be more Wolves than regular millionaires?”