Page 40 of She Wolf

“First down, that’s not like you,” I tell him, taking the seat to his right.

“Yeah, I had an early night so…” he shrugs and scoops up another forkful of potato and sausage before continuing. “I’m hoping to get a swim in later.” I just about manage to make out what he says through his mouthful.

“I had the same idea. Stretch out before a nap,” I say and down my fresh grapefruit juice to get it out of the way. Adam sets his plate on the table with a clatter and sits down next to me, Casey, Callan, and Rex all following suit.

“Hey, these eggs don’t taste like rubber!” Adam says as he shovels his breakfast into his mouth.

“Steady man, you'll get wicked heartburn,” I chastise. Honestly, I don’t know how he does it. He puts food away like there’s no tomorrow.

He smiles around the water he picks up to chug. “Body of steel inside and out.”

The table falls into a comfortable silence while we eat breakfast. There’s an occasional hello from other team members and the sounds of our cutlery clinking but that’s all. Rex is the last to put his knife and fork down and once he does, Casey pounces talking strategy once more.


After breakfast we hit the hotel gym and then by the time midday rolls around most of the team are venturing into the pool. I glide through the water letting my mind wander even though half the team had the same idea, and the noise has ratcheted up a level. I opt to take it easy, stretching out in the warm pool, the weightlessness helping my sore muscles rather than competing in the off-the-cuff races that are currently underway.

Knox sits on the edge of the pool while I float aimlessly.

“You okay, Knox? You don’t seem yourself—and I don’t just mean a rookie in his first playoff series. What’s up?”

He sloshes his left leg through the water while I wait for him to reply.

“Nothin’. Everythin’. I’m okay I won’t let anythin’ affect my game.” And then he mutters something likenot againunder his breath.

Narrowing my eyes, I take him in, his melancholy is unusual. He’s boisterous and loud but this introverted thing he’s got going on doesn’t suit him.

“Well, you need anything, you voice it. Don’t get all up in your head. We’re all here for you to lean on, just like we know you’re here for us.” As he nods, I notice Callan clearing a few of the other rookies out of the jacuzzi next to the pool and he motions for me to join him.

I make quick work of exiting the pool and then sigh as I climb in. He moves round to the other side so we’re not sitting on top of each other and closes his eyes, resting his head against the edge. I follow suit, my mind wandering to the pretty light brown-haired girl next door.

“Now’s your chance,” Callan mutters.

I crack an eye. “My chance to what?”

He sits up. “Now’s your chance to tell me about Coralie. No one else is around and I’m acutely aware that the only people you have to talk to are her brothers or Hollywood and Rex, so as painful as it is, that leaves me as your last resort.”

“Wow, Callan, I’m bowled over by your sincerity,” I tell him rolling my eyes. But it would be good to talk to someone. I mean, Casey kind of tried but, oh fuck it, he offered.

“She wants to take it slow understandably, but it’s fucking hard keeping myself in check.”

“Ooh, what are we talking about?” Adam says as he unceremoniously crashes and splashes into what is supposed to be mine and Callan’s chill zone. “It’s you and Coralie, isn’t it?” he grins. “Come on GG, spill your secrets to us, there’s not a Madden in sight.”

I groan and it makes him laugh, nudging Callan with his shoulder.

“Do you think when he eventually sleeps with her, his game will go to shit?” he asks Callan and then looks at me. “All this pent-up sexual tension turns you into a machine on the ice. What’s it been?” his face goes serious as he thinks. “Fuck, it’s this whole season, isn’t it? Jesus, Gunner, you got it bad.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I grumble because it’s been more than a season, but I don’t need to tell Adam and Callan that.

It’s strange because even though it’s hurt to keep my attraction tamped down, I actually like the warm, almost contented feeling of knowing who I belong to. I’ve never minded Coralie invading my thoughts since the night I met her.

Even if the timing was off.

I’ve loved having her just across the street. We weren’t together, but I still got to have little pieces of her. Sound bites of her infectious laugh, being present for special moments she’s shared with Jack. Reveled in the glances she bestowed on me—even if she believed they were secret. Grinned right along with her when she’s given Casey a reality check and made fun of his success.

So even though I’ve pined after her, had her just within my reach but never really been able to do anything about it, I’ve always known our time would come.

“Gunner,” Callan says suddenly, his normal stony self.