Page 38 of She Wolf

I ignore her psychoanalysis and tell her about what’s already happened from behind my glass. “It was in the pantry.”

I sigh, eyeing the kitchen, and my left hand involuntarily strokes at the side of my neck where Gunner had deliciously scraped his teeth and lips. My body flushes with heat and I take yet another gulp of wine.

“Look at you,” she claps, “having a Gunner-induced sex flashback.” She shivers in a totally over-the-top way.

“He took you in the pantry! God, I knew he was like that underneath; all polite and well-mannered on the outside and on the inside, he’s cooking up twenty ways to ruin you against the non-perishables!” Chloe’s excitement is palpable.

“I was not having a sex flashback I was having a…a…kiss flashback. And as for the rest, I wouldn’t know. Although every time I see him, he makes me feel like I’m seventeen again with a crush that won’t quit, so you’re probably right.”

“It’s astounding to me that in all the years of following your brothers around, you have never dated an athlete, especially a hockey player.”

“I dunno, it might have happened if I hadn’t met Nick but in the early days, they were just disgusting stinky teenagers, so I was never really interested. Meeting Gunner though, it was totally worth the wait. The power he emanates is magnetizing, but I also feel this wave of comfort whenever I’m with him. Like no matter what he’ll take care of me.”

She hums her agreement. “Coralie, I think he’d stand in the way of anything that tried to hurt you.”

I’m starting to believe it. Believe that there is someone out there for me that doesn’t love me just because I’m related to them and that someone is Gunner Grey. Just as I start to plummet down that ugly rabbit hole, she taps a hot pink nail on the table.

“Plus, it’s all about stamina. Oh, and they can lift, like, three times our body weight so it makes for interesting positions,” she giggles practically giddy. I think it’s the combination of the wine, the shutout, and the hockey player sex.

“I’m convinced they are all the same if Rex is anything to go by and the brief time you’ve had your tongue down Gunner’s throat. One look from Rexy and my panties melt right off. Knox and Adam, well, I think we can safely say they’ve got it going on and Casey, he’s too much of a goody-goody to not be hiding a filthy mouth and—"

“Urgh, don’t talk about him like that,” I interrupt, trying to reach to cover her mouth but she bats me away and keeps going.

“And Scotty, Jesus, that’s some BDE right there. I’m including him because if he wasn’t so driven to become a fireman, he would have made it pro.”

“Eeeeew, enough. No more alcohol for you,” I say trying to grab the bottle she’s opening. She laughs so much at my scrunched-up face but then turns serious.

“You know who has some serious BDE?” Of course I know, it’s plain as day and I finish her sentence with her.

“Callan!” We both say and then laugh so much I struggle to catch my breath.

Chapter Eight


Stealing the win lights a fire under our asses. The ride back to the hotel is filled with light-hearted ribbing and Rex looks like the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders now that game three is out of the way and we won in such spectacular fashion.

Even though the series can run for seven games, if we can win the next one, we’re through to the next round.

We get to the hotel and although we could have a little celebration in the bar, I head straight for the elevators. There’s only one thing I want to do after a win like this and I’ve craved it for a long time.

“Why so fast?” Casey asks as he sidles up next to me.

“Yeah, Gunn, what’s the hurry?” Adam asks, coming to my right.

My jaw clenches involuntarily but I swallow my annoyance down. “No reason, just want to get the suit off.” I wave my hand in front of me gesturing to said suit. “Did you want to stay down here for a while?” I ask Adam.

“I was definitely thinking of chilling out and having a long chat with my teammates and besties. Really hash out the game. Get all analytical and shit. Rexie had twenty-one saves and a shutout, and I think that’s cause for a light celebration. You don’t have anything better to do eh, Gunner Grey?” Adam’s eyes sparkle with amusement, and I can’t help but feel like a little uppercut would do him some good.

I refrain from gritting my teeth and turn to Rex. “Sven. Do you want to celebrate over a couple iced waters or do you want to go and video call your wife andcelebratein a different way?” I ask eyebrows raised.

Rex’s eyes blaze with a heat I have no need to witness. “Shit. Definitely the latter.” He starts pressing the button like a madman. The elevator arrives to Adam’s stupid cackles, and I make sure to give Adam a good hip check as we get on.

Once in our room, Casey quickly strips out of his suit and into some shorts then he waves his phone at me, a stupid smirk on his face, and goes out onto the balcony. I change too and then reach for my phone and hit dial.

Coralie’s beautiful face fills the screen and I smile. “Gunner Grey,” she whispers. “I need to tell you that I’ve had a little wine.” Her smile is goofy and lopsided, and her eyes sparkle with mischief.

“I can see that. You seem relaxed. Good for you.”