Chloe helped me out, so she knows not to come over.
Inside the basket are a few luxury bath bombs, potions, and scrubs, a bottle of wine, a hand-blown glass with a ‘C’ etched on it, and my favorite candy. The best part of the whole hamper though is a brand-new e-reader. On closer inspection, it’s got a few of my go-to authors already loaded up with four new titles I’ve been dying to read.
Wow, he’s good.
Even though I’ve already showered this evening, my laugh is giddy as I hotfoot it up the stairs two at a time to run a giant bubble bath. The one in Casey’s ensuite is the biggest, so I just busy myself and try not to think about what might go on in here between him and Anna.
Just before I’m about to step in, I take a quick photo. Making sure the e-reader and my wine are front and center, I blur the background of the candles I lit and the frothy bubbles. It’s an Instagram worthy picture.
Me:Thank you for doing this for me.
Gunner Grey:Shit. Now I’m thinking of you all soaped up!
To say thank you for my amazing treats, I send him a little treat back; another picture, and this time it’s a selfie of me in the bath. It takes me a few tries to get the angle right. I cross my legs and bend my knees. The glow of the scented candles adding a warm hue to the photo while the bubbles cover up all the best bits so there’s no need for any filters.
Gunner Grey:Fucking hell, Coralie, I’m sharing a room with your brother, what am
I supposed to do now?
Me:You’ll live.
Smiling to myself I shoot off a quick text to Chloe, thanking her for helping Gunner and then I stretch to rest my phone on the side and sink further into the suds. Grabbing the e-reader I click to open up my new book.
Chapter Seven
The next night I watch Jack run over to knock on Gunner's door from the edge of Casey’s driveway. He talks animatedly to Gunner’s mom and then practically flies back over, checking the street twice before he dashes to me. Of course, I’m checking too.
Little hands on his hips and breathing hard he says, “She said…she said…she’ll be over before the game…because she doesn’t want… want to miss…her baby boy’s sweet face.” And then he falls about laughing.
“What’s so funny about that? I thinkmybaby boy has areallysweet face. In fact, it’s soooo sweet I want to eat it all up,” my voice is gruff and playful. He squeaks when I grab him, tickling his neck and the side of his face, kissing his cheeks.
“Mwah, mwah, mwah. So sweet!” He laughs and squeals as I tickle him until he’s gasping for air.
“Moms are so weird,” he giggles when I finally let him go.
Unsurprisingly, on game night all his chores get done in record time, along with his homework and shower—there’s no whining or backtalking and his shower chants are extra enthusiastic.
We clear away after eating dinner and I set about putting snacks together for the game, laying the smorgasbords out along the coffee table in the den. There’s fruit, meats, cheeses and even a dessert platter.
The doorbell rings and I race Jack to the door.
“Let me answer it, Bud. We don’t know who it is,” I say for maybe the five hundredth time.
Jack nods but bounces on his feet as I greet Gunner’s mom and her friend, and I have to hold in a chuckle. There's a lot of sparkle going on and even though I saw them a few nights ago, it all seems magnified outside of the arena.
“Alison, June, come on in,” I say with a smile.
“Thank you. Oh, look at you all dressed up Jack. Number one fan right here, eh?”
“I’ve got my lucky shirt on.” He does a twirl even though we went through exactly the same thing at the last game.
“It’s amazing. Come on, let’s go and settle in and I’ll show you what we bought for you.” Jack gallops back into the den and Alison follows. June’s a little slower but that’s only because she’s still in recovery.
“How you doin’, June? Gunner said you’ve been through it recently.”
She nods with a wince. “I’m much better than I was. Just a little achy. Rehab has taken longer than expected, but I’ve got a new physiotherapist now who likes to put me through my paces. I told him I didn’t want to get old before my time so he’s making me work.”