Me:Very confident. Let me just go win all the hockey and then prepare
to be romanced.
Me:In a very slow way of course.
Coralie:Win and then we’ll talk more.
I shake my head. She’s already got me by the balls and yet she still likes to torment me.
Me:Night Peaches, sweet dreams.
Coralie:Good night, Gunner Grey.
It’s such a simple thing but I fall to sleep with a smile on my face.
Chapter Six
“Oh my God!” Lydia bellows as she crashes through my office door a few days later and paces unable to contain her amazement.
“That game was insane. The whole team was on fire last night.”
She’s right. It was incredible. The Wolves won their second game, which Jack and I had to watch from home due to it being another school night and it was even better than game one. Just as I’m about to voice that out loud, Farrah breezes in. In fact, I swear she floats.
She takes a seat and opens her mouth to speak but Lydia shushes her and motions for me to continue.
Pride warms me from the inside out and I smile. “They really were something weren’t they?”
“Coralie, that power play in the third was epic. I’ve never seen anything like it. Best four minutes of hockey ever.”
Farrah attempts to speak again but we’re interrupted by my desk phone ringing, and I hush them so I can answer.
“Ms. Madden,” I say into the receiver—loving being able to use my maiden name once more. Yep, I got my name back, finally.
“Hi Coralie, you have a delivery. It’s here at reception.”
“Oh, okay. Thank you, Magda. I’ll be right there.” I place the handset down. “I have a delivery.”
The girls follow me through the corridors and into the administration area even though it could just be my stationery order.
“Hey girlie, these just came for you.” Magda points a purple polished fingernail over to the office annex.
Spinning on my heels, my jaw drops. Farrah squeals and Lydia lets out a low whistle as we stare at the biggest vase of flowers I have ever seen in my life. An array of roses, peonies, gerberas, lilies, and other blooms I can’t even name. All in different shades and hues of coral and peach.My name.
Suddenly Farrah leaps towards the arrangement and fishes out the card. She holds it in both hands as she passes it to me. I look at the pale pink, postcard sized envelope and recognize Gunner's blocky handwriting straight away. Lydia lifts the huge arrangement off the counter and starts to head back to my office, shouting over her shoulder, “Thanks Mags.”
“Thank you, Magda,” I echo as I leave the desk and scurry off after Lydia and Farrah. Once inside they sit patiently and wait for me to open the card. I read it to myself, then glance over to the flowers again.
“What does it say?” Farrah asks excitedly and even though I know I’m blushing, I read it out to them.
“I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are and
that I’ll be thinking about you while we’re away...
So basically, no change there. Love Gunner.”
They ooh and ahh until the bell goes and I’m left with the giant display and the beautiful note he sent. I take out my cell.