Page 3 of She Wolf

Any minute now.

But time seems to stand still as we talk amongst ourselves because let’s face it, I couldn’t leave her orbit even if I wanted to.

Coralie is funny. She’s quick-witted and clever, gives Madden hell, and brings me in on all her teasing jokes. Her laugh drifts into my ears like the melody of a song that I would gladly listen to on repeat.

Jesus. Isoneed to get laid.


It is not okay to hit on your teammate’s sister.Is it? It’s like the number one rule of hockey or any team sport?... Bro-code?

I inwardly shake my head. She’s dangerously beautiful, like a mythical Siren, messing with my brain.

A blonde girl was chatting me up earlier, I might try to find her and take my mind off the temptress standing across from me. Even though I need to be up early, if I can get out of here soon, there are definitely a few hours to play with.

“When did you get in?” I ask, taking a pull from my ginger ale and trying to keep my eyesand handsaway from his sister.

“Yesterday. Coralie helped me set up. She lives not too far away.” He rubs his hands together. “I can’t wait for training camp tomorrow.”

“Yeah, me either,” Coralie interrupts, laughing. “It’s all he’s been talking about. Honestly, between this one and my other brothers, it’s hockey day in, day out. Even my little boy is practically obsessed with it.”

Not sure why but I’m taken aback. “You have a son?”

Her whole face lights up again. “I do. Jack. He’s three and a half and totally amazing. He’s so smart and just spends all day playing in the hallway with his mini hockey sticks. He can’t wait to join a team next year.”

I know people love their kids. My mom certainly does, but the way Coralie glows as she thinks about Jack, it makes her all the more beautiful.

Madden passes me his phone, showing me a photo of the cutest damn kid with blonde hair and blue eyes in swimming shorts and floaties as Coralie continues.

“I’m just sorry that even though Casey is closer, I won’t get to the games as often as I’d like, nobody wants toddlers at hockey games.”

Madden huffs out a breath. “Coralie, you are welcome anytime in the family suite. It’s totally kid friendly. Like I keep telling you. This team, the last team. Any. Team. You come when you want. That’s it.”

“I know, one day soon, hopefully.” She looks around as if nervous, which is strange because just a second ago she seemed like she had all the confidence in the world.

Just as I have that thought, a man, much shorter than me, invades Coralie’s space.

“Hey time to leave,” the asshole clips out.

He’s wide set and a bit weaselly looking. He seems pissed off and talks to the woman standing in front of me like he can’t be bothered with her. It irks me and I feel like saying something to him but Madden jumps in.

“What’s with you tonight, Nick? You wanted to come for the free bar and food and to spend the night chatting up potential investors and what? Now you’re bored?”

Coralie places her hand flat on Madden’s suit vest but turns to Nick.

“I was just talking to a new teammate of Casey’s.”

Nicklooks me up and down, and the gesture makes me puff my chest out a little. Taking me in and then deciding to ignore me, he abruptly says something I don’t catch, and she glances at her watch.

“You’re right. I didn’t even see how late it was getting.”

Madden shakes his head. Nick, the douche, messes about on his phone without acknowledging me or her brother and then tugs her arm a little too forcefully. Both Madden and I take a step forward. I’m about to ask if he wants me to help him beat the shit out of this fuck when Coralie speaks again.

“We need to relieve the sitter.”

Madden pulls her in for a hug, whispering in her ear and I can tell he’s trying to keep himself in check. She shakes her head at whatever he’s saying and turns to me.

“Goodnight, Gunner Grey, I’ll be seeing ya.”