“I’m not buying this. Are you buying this Farrah?” Lydia eyes me, smugly.
“I’m not, no. Something happened.”
I look away, rolling my lips. “I…may have wandered over to his house late last night and somehow—I’m not even sure how it happened but, we kissed,” I admit.
More squealing and jumping. And now hugging. Hugging each other and, yep, they’re hugging me.
“You absolutely do you, Coralie. That’s what I’m talking about!” Lydia says as she pumps her fist in the air—she’s a jock, there’s no denying it.
I start giggling and feel my cheeks flush.
“Oh gosh,” I say through my hands. “It is the hottest thing that has ever happened to me.” I fan myself with my hand. “He took control and literally blew my mind with a single kiss. Well, I say a single kiss. I mean I could barely think straight after. I undeniably need more of that.” My face flushes further and my lips tingle at the memory.
They nod and keep nodding.
“What did he say?” Farrah asks and I think a cartoon bird flutters around her while she waits wistfully for me to tell her about all the movie-magic romance that ensued.
“Direct quote,” I lower my voice, imitating Gunner’s, “‘I’ll be waiting for you and you better fucking believe it.’ Gah, henevertalks to me like that, but he was all pumped up. It was sexy.” I’m so happy, I can’t keep the smile off my face.
“Holy. Shizzle,” they both say in unison and sit down. I nod again and bite my lip.
“He isSOOOsexy. So ridiculously hot,” I say dreamily.
Gunner is…all man. He’s six foot five, wide as a wall, with muscles built on muscles and abs. There are a lot of abs. He is drop-dead gorgeous with his constant scruff and beautiful, cognac brown eyes, that last night, I got lost in. Desire and want had darkened them to an almost black.
I didn’t get any sleep, tossing and turning, wanting more, needing more, while my conscience was telling me to calm down and get my ducks in a row. All before the big, hungry wolf comes and gobbles them all up.
The bell sounds, alerting us to the start of the school day, meaning it’s time
to get to it. My friends leave, Farrah trying to help Lydia with her hair, and telling me they’ll be back at lunch.
I take a deep breath and then, using the key I have clipped to my school ID, open the locked cabinet, reaching for the first file I’ll need for the day.
Within minutes there is a knock at the door and Kate, one of my regular
students, walks in; smile shy, brown eyes wary and tired. “Hi Ms. Simpson, are you free?”
I inwardly grimace at the name. That name change petition should be winging its
way to the courts this afternoon. “I am. My first meeting doesn’t start for another ten minutes. What can I do for you?” I ask, motioning for her to take a seat.
She fiddles with the pretty tennis bracelet wrapped around her wrist. “It’s my anxiety
again, I feel like I can’t breathe half the time.”
I nod. Her usual worries about next steps, grades, and college, should ease soon.
“Kate, have you been doing the mindfulness exercises we talked about in our
previous meetings? I think it will help. Remember your GPA is on point, and your college applications were amazing. It’s just a waiting game now. Perhaps only days. Is there more to it?”
She looks away and pushes a piece of her rich mahogany hair behind her ear.
“No, nothing, I’m just stressed about everything, but I know there isn’t any more I can do.”
I’m not convinced. She’s a little stiff and her left eye ticked as she said it, but it is not my place to force her to speak.
“I know the future can be scary, especially until you get your acceptance letters, which Iknoware coming. Try to just enjoy these last few weeks.”