“Hey Summer, cool swim bag,” Gunner says about her Captain Marvel tote. She cricks her neck looking up, and up and up until she reaches Gunner’s face. Flashing us both a shy smile and a timid thank you.
“Why don’t you go choose a chair to pop your stuff on and then go get yourself a drink?” I tell her.
“Come on I’ll show you. Beau will be here soon and then we can get in the pool.” Her whole face lights up as Jack speaks and my heart melts as they walk off, side by side.
“That’s my uncle and that’s my uncle. Over there that’s my other uncle, oh, and this is my uncle…” He stops Scott as he’s the nearest and introduces him to his little friend.
“Awww, did you see how cute she is?” I say nudging Gunner. “With her little sun hat and bag and the way she smiled at Jack. No wonder she’s his VIP.”
“Who is whose VIP?”
“Not you Nerd, you’re lucky to even be in the presence of such awesomeness.”
“Shut it.” Jason snipes at Knox and turns back to me waiting on my answer.
“That little girl with Jack, her name is Summer, and he talks about her all the time. She’s the only girl allowed in the Hockey Marvel Club.”
“Fuuuck, I miss grade school. I wanna be in the Hockey-Marvel Club.” Knox says obnoxiously stretching. Yeah, I said it, he makes a damn show of everything.
“Would you both be helpful and go make sure the kids have everything they need? And no running on the patio!” I yell after them.
I turn to Gunner. “I’m regretting the pool now.”
“It will be okay, don’t worry your pretty little head.”
“Holy mother of God,” Lex says drawing my eyes towards the house just asHawkeye—who I’m pretty sure is Adam—jumps out of the first-floor window and down the guttering dressed all in black with a giant bow on his back. The Marvel score plays out of Casey’s outside speakers and the kids gasp in unison as I think it’s Knox, literally swoops in from the side of the house. It’s a good job his face is covered because team management would have a lot to say about that stunt.
“It’s Spiderman!” Jack yells as more and more superheroes make their entrance to a cacophony of squeals and shrieks.
I want to see Callan dressed as the Hulk every day of my life. Completely painted green. What a testament this is to how much love my son has. That he, Mr. Moody, would break out of his usual brooding to give this to him.
I think my favorite has to be our very own Black Widow and Captain Marvel though. Chloe and Anna look like they just stepped off a movie set. Then I spy Kate videoing the whole scene, which means she was in on it too. Their costumes are incredible, and I can’t wait to hear how this all came together.
A figure in my peripheral vision sends goosebumps running across my skin and when he comes into full view, I’m transfixed on one superhero in particular, and what a sight he is to behold.
Golden muscular arms frame a god of a man. My man, and he’s swinging his hammer with purpose.
Iron Man, Black Panther, Falcon, and Antman swoop into action, and there standing at the side of the pool to the emotive Disney music is almost the entirety of the Avengers.
Tears spring to my eyes as I take in the picture before me. My brothers and friends who have swiftly become my family, all doing this for Jack. The kids go nuts, screaming and splashing in the shallow end. My dad making sure no one faints or drowns while they watch what can only be described as a show.
Lex and I are holding onto each other, while my mom and aunt and Alison and June clap like maniacs.
“You didn’t know about this?”
She shakes her head. “I’m sorry to say I didn’t. Work has been ridiculously crazy lately, this must have been the surprise Theo and Anna have been whispering about,” she says, looking on in amazement.
I don’t think Jack will ever forget this for as long as he lives. I know I certainly won’t.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
So, I know I said telling Jack about me and his mom was a big day, but I think this day may top it. I’m about to do something that I hope to God I don’t regret because this is a bit of a gamble. This is kind of huge and is something that will entwine us, as a couple, even further—a massive, forever kind of commitment.
Also, Coralie might kill me for not discussing this with her first.