Page 111 of She Wolf

“Okay, thank you,” she practically whispers again.

“Okay, do you want to tell us why you were walking along the side of a creepy wooded area with no streetlights, in the pouring rain, crying?”

“I. I said no,” she mumbles.

With those three words, I move to the edge of my seat. “You said no to who?”

“My mom’s friend.” By the way she saysfriendI know it’s a man.

“And what was he asking?”

“He didn’t ask. She told me to do it. She, she owed him money.”

“Your mom wanted you to do something for her to pay off a debt she owed?”

She nods.

“And why is she in debt?”

“For pills, but I don’t really understand because she’s worth a lot of money. That’s how out of it she was. I don’t know if she’s being taken advantage of or if that sicko just decided he wanted to take something else instead. Oh god what if he starts bringing other people around with him?”

“Do we need to call the police? Kate, did he hurt you?” I hold my breath waiting on her answer.

“No, he didn’t. He didn’t lay a finger on me. They were both sloppy drunk and I managed to get away.” Her big brown eyes start to fill with tears again and I clasp my hand over hers.

I feel Anna loosen the breath she was holding on to, too. Kate doesn’t need to tell me anymore. For now. She got herself out of a dangerous situation and I’m proud of her for doing so.

“You can stay here tonight and then we’ll work something out in the morning.

My son is here though and there’s no doubt my brother and Gunner will be back tomorrow. Is that going to be okay? Do you think you will feel safe here or do you have anywhere else you can go? Anna and I could take you to a friend’s house or if you have family in the area?”

“No, please. If it’s okay I’d like to stay here, if—if I’m not imposing. Your brother and boyfriend don’t frighten me. They aren’t…they’re not like Russell.” She bows her head.

Russell. I even hate his name.

“No honey, not at all. We’ll need to talk more in the morning though. We need to decide what to do and what kind of support your mom needs. Was she in any danger when you left?”

“No, I don’t think so. I just can’t believe…” Her voice trails off, but I hear her unspoken words. Whose Mother would ever do something like this?

Anna brings the drinks over and places them on the coffee table, along with buttered, golden toast piled high on the plate. Kate scarfs down most of the bread and then starts to yawn.

“I don’t have a spare room, but you can stay in mine tonight. I’ll sleep out here,” I offer.

“No please, I don’t want to put you out. I’ll take the couch, you’re doing enough as it is. I don’t mind.” It’s a comfy couch so if she feels better sleeping out here, I’ll let her. I grab some extra sheets and a couple of spare pillows.

“Here you are. We’ll talk more in the morning. Okay?”

“Yes okay. Thank you so much for helping me tonight. It seems lame, but I really didn’t know where I was going. Emmett and Blair are on vacation and Hadley went to camp one last time.” She says of her friends who I know from school.

“Honey, it’s no trouble at all,” I assure her as I check one last time that she has what she needs.

“Miss—Coralie?” Her tired eyes well.

“Yes, Kate?”

“I really did want to tell you. Every time I knocked on your door, I was coming for your help but panic took over and I felt like I was betraying my mom. I was so lost.”

I lay a reassuring hand on her arm and shake my head. “I understand you were in a very difficult situation.”