Page 77 of She Wolf

I check on Jack. “You coming, Bud?” I motion to the restrooms. He nods and chases after me.

“Fuck, could you girls pee anymore? Jesus, we’re not even in Philly yet and we’ve stopped twice already,” Callan moans.

“Oh, hush Callan, that traffic took forever to clear and you’re literally walking next to us on your way to the bathroom,” Chloe snips.

“Might as well, seeing as we’re here,” he gripes like an eighty-year-old.

We laugh at him as he motions for Jack to follow him into the men’s room.

“He’s so grumpy,” Chloe snickers as we push into the ladies.

“Nah,” Anna laughs. “I just heard Casey tell Rex it’s a good job we’re pretty. They’re all getting pissed off now.”

“I bet they all go. They would be stupid not to. It’s crazy, that stretch of the drive just took us five hours,” I say walking into the reasonably clean cubical.

“When’s Theo and Lex arriving?”

“Flying down on Friday. They get in early though, I think,” Anna says loud enough for me and Chloe to hear.

“Scotty and Jase are flying out Friday night,” I add.

“I bet it's killed Scott to book time off work,” Chloe says from the sink.

“I’m sure it was hard, but he loves this time as much as the rest of us. Give it a day or two and you’ll see a different side of him. It takes him a while to get out of his head and relax. It will happen all at once, just watch. The boys will be doing something stupid, and he’ll just let loose.”

“Oooh, loose Scott, I can’t wait to see this,” Anna claps.

“Yeah, he’s uptight. But you know who he’s not uptight around?” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.

“Ah, the cute baker?”

“That’s the one. Her name’s Jenna. She’ll appear over the next few weeks, mark my words. He can’t be without her for long periods of time, he’s never been able to.”

“Do you think they're together?” Chloe asks.

“No, but it’s only a matter of time.”

“Haven’t they been friends since they were little?”

“Yep, besties since they were five. He won’t make the first move though. There’s no way. He wouldn’t risk their friendship, but I got her a little tipsy once, a few years ago and she told me she wanted to have filthy, dirty sex with him just after he’s come back from a ranging inferno.” I laugh.

I can picture her now sitting on the porch at my mom and dad’s house. She just blurted it out. My eyes bugged and then we both fell about laughing.

“She said that?”

“Oh yeah, she is so far gone for him, but it’s the only thing he’s not brave with. He can run into burning buildings for a living but the thought of losing Jenna is too much for him.”

“But if—”

“Girls for fucks sake. Get a move on. You can dissect my brother's relationship with his best friend when we get there.” Casey’s pissy voice sounds through the heavy door.

“Sorry babe,” Anna says as she walks out and slips her hand around Casey’s waist as we make our way back to the cars.

“Jack wanted to swap. He’s with you now,” Knox tells me as he moves away from Adam and Callan to open the passenger door of Casey’s Range Rover. I smile wide and jump into Gunner’s truck.

“Hey, did you have fun in the other car?”

“Yes, but Knox is bad at car games,” Jack says through a yawn.