Page 59 of She Wolf

“The last time I was this happy, the scout from the Leafs came to watch a game.” I smile at the memory. Fuck, what a day that was.

“He left without talking to you.” Daydream ruined.

“Jesus. When I found out the scout was coming to a game.”

“Oh, yeah. You were pretty excited. Okay, I see what you’re saying then. I’m glad for you man.”

“Thank you. Right, I need to sort shit out, so talk soon?” I ask climbing the stairs.

“Yeah, I’ll call you when we’re back from the trip.”

“Okay, send my love to Gretchen, eh?”

“Will do. Take care.” I end the call. I walk into my bedroom and with the phone still in my hand, I text Coralie, checking we’re still on track for our big reveal.

Me:Are we still telling Jack today?

Coralie:Sure are, he’s been whining that the morning is going too slow. You about ready to come over?

Me:Yep. Just need to shower and make sure I’ve got my PJs packed.

Coralie:Hey, about that, you’re not nervous, are you?

Me:Nervous? No, why would I be?

Coralie:Oh, no reason it’s just, well, it’s been a long time coming. What if we’re not compatible?


Me:What? Why would you say that?

Coralie:I mean, you say you’ve wanted me for a long time but what if there’s like, no spark between us?

This conversation is dizzying. Is she really saying that she thinks we’d have no

chemistry when our clothes are off? My heart rate starts to pick up and my neck starts to heat.

Me:The fuck, Coralie?

Coralie:Or you could be super quick off the trigger.

The dots bubble but I’ve had about enough of her smart mouth—or smart thumbs—and hit call. She picks up after one ring. Doesn’t say anything though, just laughs her cute,annoying,laugh through the phone. I hold it away from my ear because I’m obviously not impressed. When she pauses, dragging in a breath I pounce.

“What the fuck are you on, Coralie? You are so gonna pay for that. Quick off the mark? Just you fucking wait—”

“Oh Gunner, just hurry up already, we can’t wait to see you,” she says giggling again.

My annoyance dissolves as fast as it manifested. “I can’t wait to see you either. I’ll be there within the hour.”

After showering and shaving my beard to a neater, thick stubble, I’m standing on Coralie’s front porch about to ring the bell. Before I even have the chance to raise my hand though, she’s opened the door and flinging herself into my arms.

“God, I missed you. Not living opposite each other sucks!” I don’t mention it’s been less than sixteen hours since we last saw one another because I wholeheartedly agree.

“I did offer—” She cuts me off with a kiss and I drop the flowers and bag I was holding to the floor so I can grip her tightly.

“Hey! Ohhhh!” Jack’s voice reverberates through my head as if it’s in stereo, and I back away at once. Coralie opens her eyes, panic written across her face. She turns and we both stare at him. His cheeks have tinged pink, and his eyes are wide. Taking Coralie’s hand in mine I step forward. Is it hot…or…Fuck, pull it together.

“Dude. Jack. I, I came over here today to speak to you about this,” I motion to our joined hands. “I really like your mom and I love spending time with the two of you so much. I was going to ask you if it would be okay to be her boyfriend.”